PHOTOS Teen Mom Farrah Abraham in New York City for Fashion Week

Teen Mom Farrah Abraham in New York City for Mercedes Benz Fashion Week

Seeing as how Farrah Abraham is currently attending culinary school, I suppose it’s appropriate that her plate always seems to be full! Her packed schedule this week was all about fashion as she participated in Fashion Night out in Miami and then flew to New York City for 2011 Mercedes Benz Fashion Week.

The busy Teen Mom tweeted about her jam-packed fashion fiesta weekend on Thursday:

This weekend is going to be CRAZY……where there is Fashion you will find me:) Miami > NewYork love!

While in The Big Apple Farrah was caught by photographers stylin’ and profilin’ wearing a furry burgundy coat with black pants and black shirt.

Farrah Abraham attends Mercedes Benz Fashion week in New York with a friend

(She appears to have made the trip with an as-yet-unidentified female friend! I’m sure the tabloids are gonna run with “Is Farrah Abraham a Lesbian?!?” headlines this week.)

Farrah tweeted about her time in New York on Saturday:

In Nyc. 🙂 exited for NYC fashion week. & *-+ 9/11+-* R.I.P . The U.S stands strong. Xo

In addition to struttin’ the streets, Farrah also took a little time to shop – all of which was captured by the diligent Teen Momarazzi!

Teen Mom Farrah Abraham shopping for clothes in New York City

It doesn’t appear as though Sophia made the trip so we assume Farrah will be back in the Sunshine State (And back to cooking) soon. Here are some more photos of the jet-setting Teen Mom living the life I’m sure she dreamed about as a little girl growing up in Council Bluffs, Iowa! (The same dream she is sure to address in her forthcoming book, My Teenage Dream Ended, due out April 3, 2012.)

Here is a zoomed-in, full-length photo of Farrah followed by one more additional shot. If we find out exactly what Farrah was up to this weekend, we’ll update the post. (My assumption is that she was invited to attend a runway show or two.)

Teen Mom Farrah Abraham in New York City for 2011 MErcedes Benz Fashion Week

Farrah Abraham star of MTV's Teen Mom


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