(Very) Alleged Kourtney Kardashian Nantucket love rectangle involves Justin Bieber, Scott Disick, and Selena Gomez
There are too many conflicting rumors about the Kourtney Kardashian Nantucket vacation (and its effect on her love life) for anybody to make complete sense of them. Fortunately, because a Kardashian is at the heart of the stories, we don’t have to make sense: we can have fun speculating, instead. To that end, the biggest stories currently making the rounds out of Nantucket involve Kourtney’s possible behind-closed-door doins with one (or more) of a number of high-profile celebs, two of whom she’s been linked to for months.
It was only a few days ago that the prevailing rumor was Justin Bieber had gotten Kourtney Kardashian pregnant. Now, though, an Inquisitr article has it on good authority that Kourtney and Justin are involved in a “love triangle” with Selena Gomez, the newest player in this story. Most recently, Selena was involved in the alleged hot Miami hookups of Kourtney Kardashian and Justin Bieber over the July 4th holiday. Selena was said to be “enraged” by what she reportedly took to be a betrayal on Justin’s part.
However, according to Inquisitr, Selena “still feels” for Justin, and “isn’t exactly happy” about his Kardashian leanings. To that end, Inquisitr posits that Justin has tried to make nice with Selena by once again following her on Instagram. Apparently, this has set fans’ hearts aflutter, though there’s no evidence anywhere else that Selena has anything to do with anything between Justin and Kourtney. That small gesture is, depending on who (and what) you believe, is the latest overture in the two of them getting back together–though Justin has seemingly made it clear to Selena that he has no intention of stopping his occasional visits to Kourtney’s bed.
At the same time, no less venerable an organ than Fox News is reporting that Kourtney decided to take Scott Disick with her on the Kardashians’ vacation to Nantucket this week. The pair have been all over Instagram and Snapchat, sharing a bevy of photos of themselves with their three children; Kourtney’s tendency toward bikini photos has some observers wondering (because bikini = naked sexy times, apparently) whether she’s thinking about getting back together with Scott.
To recap, then: Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber are probably maybe getting back together because he is now following her on Instagram and her fans really want to see that happen; but Justin is also going to continue allegedly hooking up with Kourtney Kardashian, because he likes having sex with different people (and, to be fair to him, that makes sense). But Kourtney is also not going to stop bringing Scott Disick to bikini vacations, because they have three children together–and possibly a fourth, though that fourth child might be Justin’s, if it even does exist–and, since Scott already got Kourtney pregnant at least once when she allegedly supposedly said she didn’t want another child, it follows, according to rumor logic, that she’ll potentially keep hooking up with him, since previous sexual encounters + bathing suits = sex.
(Photo credits: Kourtney Kardashian Nantucket via Instagram)