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Actor jailed for killing and eating ex-girlfriend’s rabbit

Kym Jackson and Dimitri Diatchenko


Dimitri Diatchenko has got either a very sick sense of humor, or a serious personality disorder.

Those are the options we’re left with after the actor stands accused of stealing his ex-girlfriend’s pet rabbit, killing it, eating half of it, and then threatening to do the same thing to her.

He’ll be arraigned on December 30th, but Diatchenko insists that the whole thing is merely a practical joke that’s gotten way (way, way [way]) out of hand.

According to the district attorney’s statement out there in LA, Diatchenko committed the act while the ex-girlfriend–with whom he was still living–was out of town, leaving the rabbit defenseless:


Diatchenko skinned the pet, cooked it and ate half of it while sending her step-by-step pictures of what he did. When she returned, the defendant allegedly told her he would do the same to her.


The statement also alleges that things had become tense in the house after Diatchenko’s ex said she thought he should probably move out. The ex’s name was not given in the court paperwork.

But the burly actor claims that “This is all a misunderstanding. We got into an argument, but I didn’t kill the bunny. This was a hoax.”

He says he simply went to the market, bought rabbit meat, and then did everything else he is accused of, to make his ex-girlfriend think he had actually killed and eaten her pet.

The ex, when interviewed by KCAL out there in North Hollywood, said that, yes, it was just a misunderstanding. But she would not show the bunny, whose name is Ella, when asked by a reporter.

Diatchenko is perhaps best known–as an actor–for playing the “Head Russian” in two 2011 episodes of Sons of Anarchy.

Now, of course, he’s “Rabbit Guy” until further notice.


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