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16 & Pregnant’s Whitney Purvis and Weston Gosa arrested for smashing electronics

Whitney Purvis mug shot December 2012 arrest  Weston Gosa mug shot photo from December 2012 arrest

There were only six girls in the first season of MTV’s 16 and Pregnant, four of which were later featured on the original Teen Mom series.

As much negative publicity as the Teen Mom series receives, the two young moms who were “left behind” have had serious issues adapting to being young parents. Ebony Rendon-Jackson had her daughter taken away after police found her and husband Joshua Rendon’s home unsuitable in September of 2011.

And Whitney Purvis has also had her fair share of struggles, the latest of which being an arrest Wednesday (along with her son’s father Weston Gosa) on charges of smashing up some electronics. According to TMZ, Whitney and Weston were arrested in Georgia on December 12 after someone filed a complaint against them claiming that they had destroyed a laptop and a cell phone.

After the complaint had been filed, an arrest warrant was issued for the two of them. Police then went to their home and placed them under arrest for criminal trespassing. Whitney and Weston were taken to the police station where they were booked and later released on a $1,300 bond (each).

There’s no word on who was caring for Whitney and Weston’s son at the time of their arrest.

Earlier this year, Whitney was arrested after shoplifting a pregnancy test from her local Walmart. After the arrest, Whitney told fans, “Sometimes it takes hittin’ rockbottom..” If that was rock bottom, who knows what this is.

Hopefully, this time around, Whitney will learn from her mistakes. Two arrests in one year isn’t exactly admirable for a mommy… or anyone for that matter. In Whitney’s defense, she doesn’t really have a good role model in her life. Her mother, April, was arrested last year for drug possession.

The arrest was the second of the year for Weston Gosa, as well. He was charged with DUI and drug possession over the summer.

UPDATE: Whitney posted the following message on her Facebook page: “Everything happens for a reason, I guess. I moved into my memaws and I don’t have a phone now so just message me on here if you need to get in touch with me.”

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