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MUG SHOT Jenelle Evans’ boyfriend Nathan Griffith arrested for DUI, resisting arrest

Jenelle Evans boyfriend Nathan Griffith mug shto after DUI arrest

According to online police records, Jenelle Evans’ boyfriend Nathan Griffith was arrested and booked in South Carolina just after 2AM this morning for driving under the influence (2nd offense) as well as “resisting arrest,” “driving under suspension,” “speeding in a reduced speed zone,” driving on wrong side of road” and “disobeying a police officer.” He is listed as still being in custody at the time of this article.

Each charge lists a bail amount, with the total being just over $5,000.

Meanwhile, all has been pretty much quiet from Jenelle on the Twitter front, with only this mysterious tweet from a short while ago:

We will update if we find out more about what happened.

UPDATE – Radar Online is reporting that Nathan was arrested after an “insane car chase” and that Jenelle plans on bailing him out today.

UPDATE – Jenelle has returned to Twitter and revealed that she has apparently bailed Nathan out (for substantially less than $5,000), and she responds to comments about the arrest humorously.

Ironically, Jenelle and Nathan participated in a phone-in interview just yesterday with The Real Teen Mom Talk during which Nathan made it very clear that he never drives while drinking, due in part to the fact that he has a previous DUI. Here’s the full convo, which also includes an interview with Jenelle’s ex, Courtland Rogers, during which Nathan calls back with questions!

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