Paris Hilton’s boyfriend Cy Waits mug shot photo

Cy Waits mug shot

Knife attacks, big business deals and spending a little time in the slammer – that’s just a week in the life of a Paris Hilton boyfriend!

Earlier this week Hilton’s new beau Cy Waits was credited with saving her life (that’s how Paris described it) when he pulled a gun on a man threatening ot break into her home while wielding a knife.

Friday night Cy and his twin brother Jesse Waits were celebrating a deal between Vegas nightlife czar Victor Drai and hotel mogul Steve Wynn that would leave Wynn the sole owner of two of the largest nightclubs in Vegas (and the world) – Tryst in the Wynn and XS in the Encore. From

Rumors are already rampant at Wynn that Steve, Cy and Jesse will close Tryst this year, give it a complete overhaul with renovations and a new look and name to reopen late next spring.

(L to R) Cy Waits, Marty Collins, Victor Drai, Jesse Waits and Joe Mandel in 2007
(Photo: Toby Canham/Getty Images)

Cy and Pairs were on their way to Waits’ home in Henderson when they were pulled over by police outside the Wynn after a suspicious odor (reportedly marijuana) was detected emanating from the vehicle. Paris was arrested after a small amount of cocaine was found in her purse, which she claims was not hers. She was released three hours later.

Cy Waits was booked on a DUI charge and was still being held at the time of this article. There has been no word on how the arrest will affect Cy’s business partnership with Steve Wynn.

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