
What does Slade Smiley do?

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Slade Smiley, veteran of BRAVO’s Real Housewives of OC, formerly dated fake singer Jo De La Rosa, and has now latched onto Gretchen Rossi.

Slade used to flash cash and boast of “keeping” Jo, but now he’s Gretchen’s kept man. He no longer has his fancy Coto de Case home, owes $80,000 $130,000 in child support to his son Grayson, who has a brain tumor, and seems to have nothing else to speak of. Grayson’s mom and Slade’s ex, Michelle Arroyo, sued Slade earlier this year for default on child support, and Slade is arguing in court to get his child support reduced because he’s unemployed.

That’s wrong because he IS employed, he’s Gretchen Rossi’ professional boytoy. Who knew a golddigger could get golddug herself?

So what did Slade Smiley USED to do before he got this broke and homeless? Here’s a little list of Slade’s employment endeavors:

  • Professional cyclist?
  • Assistant Vice President of United Title Company (same company that employed Jo De La Rosa)
  • Verve energy drink sponsor (Sign up now to make millions! J/K, Slade’s at the top of this pyramid and even he’s not banking)
  • Trying to turn “Ex” Jo De La Rosa into a cash cow (Jo made an album, which tanked, their show “Date my Ex” tanked, and now Jo’s bartending and waiting tables)
  • Golddigging Gretchen Rossi a.k.a. he offers brand consultation for her brand lines Gretchen Christine Beaute (makeup) and Gretchen Christine Collection (handbags)

UPDATE: On a RHOC episode that aired May 8, 2011 (Mother’s Day,) even Slade’s mom expresses confusion over what, exactly he does, and concern over Slade’s mounting child support debt. She asks him if he’s considered getting back in the title loan business, or if he should maybe go to law school. She even tells Gretchen that she better “work harder” to pay all of Slade’s bills.

As of 2012, Slade runs Grayson Entertainment.

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