
VIDEO The women of Downton Abbey play Cards Against Humanity, with delightful results

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Fresh off their Black Friday Poo Box triumph, the good people in Cards Against Humanity land have found themselves the beneficiaries of positive press once more. This time, we’ve also got Entertainment Weekly to thank: the magazine sat Downton Abbey’s Lady Edith, Mrs. Patmore, and Mrs. Hughes down for a rousing game of CAH, and let the video cameras roll. The results? Well: “anus jar” is a phrase you might be hearing around the water cooler for the next couple days, at least. Check it:


Although: is anyone else surprised at how tame that game actually was? It’s almost as if the gods decided they couldn’t allow the women of Downton to be anything less than absolutely prim and proper, even when not in makeup and period clothing. If you’ve played Cards Against Humanity–especially when sober–you know how many of the cards involve filthy sex, genocide, or the nether-regions of Nobel Prize-winning writers. One wonders if a “Downton Against Humanity” outtakes reel exists, somewhere on a hard drive deep in the bowels of the Entertainment Weekly vaults, and on that reel is footage of the nastiest things to come out of a British mouth since A Clockwork Orange.

Downton Abbey airs Sunday nights on PBS.

(Photo Credits: Screencaps via EW)


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