
VIDEO Teen Mom Jenelle Evans in violent fist fight with Britany Truett

Teen Mom Jenelle Evans mug shot for assault of Britany Truett arrest

TMZ has come across a violent and brutal video of Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans being involved in a fist fight! It appears to take place outside of one of Jenelle’s friend’s house and there are a large group of people gathered around while the shocking brawl transpires.

Jenelle is seen yelling profanities at another girl that TMZ labels as Britany. (UPDATE – Her full name is Britany Truett)

According to the source with TMZ the fight was apparently over her boyfriend Kieffer Delp. Here is the fight video:

This is what Jenelle said at the beginning of the clip before the other kids started cheering her on:

“It is my business. You invited me up here Britney! You’re such a stupid b!tch. You sit here and talk sh!t. You’re such a s!ut.”

TMZ states that she is 19 in this fight clip, which means it’s recent, so I’m guessing that there will be legal ramifications stemming from this footage. We will keep you posted with all of the latest as we get info.

UPDATE: AS I predicted, the D.A. from the Brunswick County Sheriff’s Department, a place Jenelle and boyfriend Delp know all too well, has launched an investigation into the fight.

UPDATE 2 – It now appears as though Jenelle may be in the clear after she and Britany Truett exchanged apologies via Facebook and Britany indicated that she does not want to press charges. (If you’re wondering why Amber was charged after Gary refused to press harges in her assault case it’s because Leah was present for some of the attacks, and in Indiana any felony assault committed in the presence of a minor doesn’t require another adult to press charges.)

This isn’t the first time Jenelle has been captured on film committing a crime, she uploaded THIS VIDEO smoking what appears to be marijuana to YouTube prior to being cast on 16 and Pregnant and then Teen Mom 2.

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