VIDEO Phil Davison for Stark County treasurer

Phil Davison

You may have to adjust the volume on your computer before watching this overly impassioned campaign speech by Republican Phil Davison, who is running for Stark County treasurer in Ohio.

Trying to light a fire under the seats of voters in what appears to be a small conference room, Davison unleashes one scorching atomic fireball after another! He reads a sentence from his speech on the podium and then steps aside to scream it at those in attendance. It’s as though he was the head coach of an NFL team down at halftime of the Super Bowl, but instead of motivational mantras and constructive criticisms, Davison offers his resume in local politics and Einstein misquotes:

But, don’t think for a second that this hilarious example of overzealousness is something you “just can’t make up” because the writers of The Office did in fact make it up when they allowed Dwight Schrute to give a speech after winning paper salesman of the year:

Perhaps politics isn’t the right profession for Phil. I think he might want to look into motivational speaking: