VIDEO Farrah Abraham grooms four-year-old Sophia’s eyebrows while she’s sleeping, wants Sophia to “have her own life”

Farrah Abraham appeared on Bethenny Frankel’s talk show Bethenny, and it was quite a dramatic interchange!
Farrah grooms her four-year-old daughter’s eyebrows in her sleep
In a clip from the show, Farrah responded to audience members’ questions about her decision to wax Sophia’s eyebrows. Let’s just say Farrah’s was the unpopular opinion…
“After that whole situation in the media, I actually got a lot of fan mail from girls who were younger, who did have unibrows, and they only wished that their moms would have helped them,” Farrah said from her seat on the couch as Bethenny roamed around the audience with a microphone.
Bethenny was then called to a lady in the back row.
“My head is going to pop off, I swear,” the woman said. “That is crazy. You’re making a little girl believe that without you plucking her eyebrows, she won’t have pretty pictures. She’s 4 — she’s beautiful.”
Watch Farrah’s response below (Spoiler: It doesn’t quell audience outrage.)
“It’s not that I’m telling my daughter that she’s not beautiful,” Farrah says as she defends herself. “And, to be honest with you she was sleeping so it’s not like . . .”
Farrah was then interrupted by the audience member crying out “Out my God! That makes it better?” while putting her hand to her forehead.
After the heated debate between the audience and Teen Mom, Bethenny checks with Farrah to make sure she was comfortable with continuing the interview. Farrah said she was — although the grimace on her face said otherwise.
In fact, Farrah was not okay with the interview: She later told Radar Online that she was set up to fail.
“Before going on the show, I was told that it would be a positive and inspirational talk for mothers and business women,” Farrah told Radar Online. “But as soon as I met Bethenny, it turned into a judgmental zone. She did not like how I valued my daughter’s opinion and care so much about her that I allow her to have her own voice.”
Farrah added she thought a fellow mom/entrepreneur would be supportive of her business ventures, but was disappointed when Bethenny “tried to encourage the audience to not buy” her line of sex toys.

“This was very rude as my life has moved on from all of this, plus, it made no sense at all being the first release of the sex toys are for men not women. Perhaps her ex-husband Jason will be purchasing my sex toys… Not women like Bethenny.”
Remarkably, Farrah took the high road at the end of her discussion with Radar and offered some advice to Bethenny…
“Overall, Bethenny seems to be in a dark place in her life and it was shocking to see how against women she really is,” Farrah observed. “I hope she comes to better terms with herself so she can be a better mother, move on from her divorce — and be a better television host. I wish her all the best in her future and her career.”
Does a four-year-old need “me” time and an independent life
Bethenny also asked Farrah about some comments she made to a magazine about Sophia needing “me” time and living an independent life.
Bethenny, without giving the magazine’s name, quotes Farrah as saying about her four-year-old daughter:”It’s healthy that we have a break. She has her own life and is doing her own thing, and I’m doing mine.”
“To a certain extent, though,” Farrah says. “It’s not like ‘Go live your own life.’ I’m very much her mother, and I’m very much there to develop her, guide her, take that initiative.”
“But I also feel that, and I’ve also gone to therapy,” she continues. “It’s very healthy for my daughter to have her own friends, to have that community around her that she knows that she is her own person.”
Please keep in mind, Farrah is talking about a four-year-old here!
“I don’t ever want my daughter growing up questioning who she is, or her choices. I want her to be a strong, happy individual.”
Bethenny, who currently has a three-year-old, questions Farrah how Sophia can have her own choices at four.
Farrah responds by stating that her daughter is “very independent, very intelligent” and lets Farrah know what she wants to do everyday like go to the park or dance class.
Farrah goes on to claim that all of the parents of Sophia’s friends tell Farrah that Sophia can communicate better than their own kids can.
“I’m very proud of that as a mom,” Farrah says. “That she can give her opinion and be her own little Sophia.”
Taylor Armstrong and Jenn Berman talk Farrah Abraham on Bethenny