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VIDEO – Are Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra broken up for good?

We cried when 16 & Pregnant‘s Catelynn Lowell and her boyfriend / stepbrother (the boyfriend part came first in case you’re giving them the side-eye) Tyler Baltierra gave up their daughter Carly for adoption while being filmed for MTV. We marveled at both the levels of dysfunction and bravery in their lives.

They seemed to really love each other, but they had a tough time after they gave up their daughter. Catelynn moved in with Tyler and his mom because her mom and Tyler’s dad moved out of town into a smaller apartment, and during the first season of Teen Mom Tyler actually proposed to Catelynn.

But Tyler and Catelynn’s bond might not survive Season Two (premiering tonight at 10pm EST). There is evidence of strife in the preview clip below when Tyler and his mom ask Catelynn to move out, and the trailer shows there are even deeper rifts in their relationship.

Will these two kids actually work it out, or is it healthier for them both to move on with their lives after this experience?

Teen Mom (Season 2) – MTV Shows

Here’s a heartbreaking conversation at a diner where Tyler suggest they’re not ready to be married when he finds out that Catelynn had sex with her ex two years ago while Tyler and Catelynn were together:

“Teen Mom” — Catelynn and Tyler

Fanscape | MySpace Video

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