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Teen Mom’s Kieffer Delp cited for concealing meat

Teen Mom 2 bad boy Kieffer Delp mug shot for cocaine possession

If you held me down and tickled me into submission and forced me to blurt out who my favorite personality is in the history of Teen Mom the answer would have to be:


Kieffer Delp is the mug shottinest, couch loafinest, trouble makinest Teen Mom love interest in history and he’s setting an untouchable precedent that newcomers can only dream of reaching. My co-worker Asa did an amazing Top 10 mug shots of Teen Mom post and there was never a question as to who the big dog would be. I bet he practically keeps the Brunswick County Courthouse staff employed even in these difficult economic times.

All of this is of course leading up to yet another run in with the law and somehow, some way Jenelle Evans’ on again off again, on again off again, on again off again, on again off again boyfriend Delp has managed to top himself. According to Radar and court records he was popped with a citation for, wait for it, concealing two steaks in an attempt to steal them from The Food Lion supermarket in Oak Island, North Carolina. He refused to sign the citation and is scheduled to come on back to his second first home, the Courthouse, on September 12th for the offense.

In light of this Hamburglar Delper offense I am going to push once again to insert a new word into the English lexicon, “Delper.” I tried this before but it didn’t seem to catch on. Let’s make this a Twitter trend with a little #delper TM fans! We can change the world with this or at least give us all a new play on Words With Friends.

Teen Mom 2 Jenelle Evans' new boyfriend Kieffer Delp photo

Delper: N. “A young man who is nothing but trouble.  A parent’s worst nightmare.”

As used in a sentence:

“Can you believe the new guy Susan is dating?  That dude is such a delper I’m surprised he isn’t in jail.”

“I was gonna hang with that guy we met last night until I found out he’s a total delper.”

For a little motivation here’s a cap of Delper’s upcoming scheduled court appearances including the latest for the bad break steak he couldn’t shake:

Get on your Twitter and let’s #delper this thing. There is just so much at steak.

Mug Shot: Splashnews

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