RETURN TO AMISH Sabrina pregnant again, due in March
The last time we checked in with Return To Amish star Sabrina Burkholder was in August when she shared news that she was headed to a rehabilitation facility “for a long time” in hopes of finally getting her drug addiction issues under control. What Sabrina didn’t reveal was that she was pregnant at the time!
Sabrina returned to social media late last month and revealed that she is currently pregnant again, adding that she was 30 weeks along at the time and due in March! She reveals that the father is a man named Jethro, who she has been involved with for some time. Jethro also has drug addiction issues, and he was present went Sabrina overdosed in late June and was technically dead before paramedics brought her back to life.
If you’ve followed Sabrina’s story since she first appeared on Breaking Amish, then you are aware that she has two daughters already — almost-4-year-old Oakley and 2-year-old Arianna. Sabrina lost custody of both Oakley and Arianna due to her addiction issues, and they were later adopted by their aunt on their dad’s side. As you might imagine, the announcement of another pregnancy had many of her fans expressing concerns.
Sabrina was quick to acknowledge her history of bad decisions on Facebook:
I’ve always been honest about the fact that I’ve been far from perfect. I messed up alot. All I can do is try again. Which is what I’m doing. I do not believe in abortion. I believe in being the woman and mother God called me to be. It took me awhile to get to where I’m at. Yes, I realize this. But you know what? It is not your job to convict me or throw my mistakes in my face. You are not God. Pray for me instead and I will pray for you. God bless you
Sabrina also engaged with commenters about her pregnancy, including her decision to not have an abortion, as well as her miscarriage in June:
COMMENT: You really should stop having children ?
SABRINA: if you’re trying to upset me sorry its not working God bless you
COMMENT: not trying to upset anyone. Just being honest. If you can’t take care of previous children, you shouldn’t bring more into this world.
SABRINA: Thats YOUR opinion. You are not God.
COMMENT: you’re right, I’m sure God approves… ?
SABRINA: Wow you have a really messed up view of God. I feel bad for you That’s why he sent Jesus in the first place! All that stupid crap we do, he sent Jesus and it was nailed to the cross with Jesus
And by accepting him we are forgiven and he helps us not do that stuff anymore. He is the ONLY way and without him, I should absolutely not be having more kids. But with Christ I am a new creation and the old is passed away!!
COMMENT: I have no view on God because he isn’t real. Sorry, I wasn’t brainwashed at a young age to believe in imaginary friends. It’s about what is morally right from wrong. You bring children into this world and choose drugs over them. Do you have any idea what kind of psychological abuse you are causing them? No, instead, you just keep having more for someone else to take care of. You care more about animal abuse then you do abusing your own children. It’s truly sad.
SABRINA: you do not know me so stop making assumptions about me that aren’t even remotely close to the truth. You believe reality tv over actual reality ???
COMMENT: no, I believe the truth. The truth that drugs are more important to you then you’re own children.
SABRINA: That’s what you believe but its not the truth?
COMMENT: wow! You miscarried while filming in July, and now you’re pregnant??
SABRINA: it was June and yes
COMMENT: You’re due in March, which means you got pregnant in June, correct? So you never miscarried? ?
SABRINA: I did miscarry the beginning of June. And then I went home and got pregnant on June 20. What’s the big deal?
COMMENT: lol dang. You’ve been gettin busy. ?
SABRINA: I do. And I was engaged at the time so not sure what your point is lol
COMMENT: no point, just curious. A lot of people say the show is fake. Just never know. That’s all ??
SABRINA: gotcha. Well that part was true. Theres def more than meets the eye so you’re right to some extent, but I’ll save that info for a rainy day
In addition to revealing and discussing her pregnancy, Sabrina also used Facebook to go after her co-star Jeremiah Raber. Late last year, Jeremiah revealed that he and Carmela visited Sabrina soon after she was released from jail, and he claims that Sabrina had drugs at her residence. From Soap Dirt:
The couple went to Sabrina’s house to see how she was doing after getting released from jail. They found out later that while they were at the house she had drugs there and even called her drug dealer. Jeremiah and Carmela wanted to help her stay clean, but it sounds like this isn’t what Sabrina wanted to do. After this, they were done trying to mend the relationship with Sabrina. She has been to jail and even tried rehab in the past.
Sabrina responded by offering up an explanation for the drugs in her apartment, before then bringing up her and Jeremiah’s infamous hook up — which she suggests was non-consensual:
Since Jeremiah is advocating for the truth, here is some truth for whoever is interested. I’m the one that told him that I had drugs in the house when I got out of jail because they were there from before I went to jail. And yes I talked to my drug dealer because he was the only one nice enough to look out for my cats when I was in jail. I told everyone this when we were filming in May of last year but I guess they edited that part out. Besides, this was 2 years ago so not sure why he’s got such an issue with it now all of a sudden. But yeah… Jeremiah’s “exclusive” isn’t really an exclusive sorry ? And since Jeremiah loves the truth so much, then he won’t mind me telling the world that the “in and out” thing that happened in NYC on the first season wasn’t consensual because he never bothered to ask me if he could have sex with me… He just stuck it in. And yes I told him no. I let that go for years. Before you make a lousy attempt to point your finger, make sure your own hands are clean, eh Jeremiah?
If you’re curious about Sabrina’s current living situation, she recently moved to Kentucky where she is working at a non-Amish doughnut shop. I do not know why she moved to Kentucky, but I assume (and hope) it is because she has some sort of support system there, whether it is friends, family, or perhaps an organization promoting sobriety. We continue to wish her the best.
Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)