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NYC Housewife Cindy Barshop denies racial discrimination claims

New York City Housewife Cindy Barshop

Altovise Collier moved from Atlanta to The Big Apple to work for “Completely Bare” spas owned and operated by New York City Housewife Cindy Barshop. She’s a state-licensed aesthetician (a cosmetologist who specializes in skin care) who applied online and was interviewed by phone. Collier stated that the representatives with “Completely Bare,” who specialize in vajazzling, were bedazzled by her until they met her in person and discovered she was black.

According to Collier her experience with the spa only went down hill from there as she was, “treated like trash and thrown in the gutter, da*n near sleeping in the streets.” She was hired on at the 5th Avenue flagship store and claims that she was the only black beautician that worked there. She goes on to state that she was underpaid at only around $700 a week and that her payroll was made in cash so she had no paycheck stubs to provide proof of employment to get her own place to live, forcing her to sleep on friend’s couches.

Furthermore, she alleges that she was subjected to hazing from fellow employees who told her she was merely hired to “inject some color” into the business because it was making a push to become national. Collier believes she was under trained on purpose for particular waxing techniques which lead to a complaint from a “Completely Bare” customer. When she finally brought her alleged misfortunes to the attention of Cindy Barshop she was fired a week later.

As a result the 25-year-old filed a discrimination complaint against “Completely Bare.” Her lawyer argued that from the onset of her employment she wasn’t “given the same training, she wasn’t given the same money.”

Barshop is denying this claim vehemently via an exclusive with RumorFix. She stated that:

“The allegations are 100 percent not true and we can prove it,” says Barshop. “She wasn’t fired because of her race, she was fired because of the quality of her work. Customers were complaining about her, so I retrained her myself, but when there was no improvement, I had to let her go. It had nothing to do with race. We have salons across the country with employees from several different races and backgrounds, so her claim that she was the only black employee is ridiculous.”

Barshop added that she believes that Collier has celebrity aspirations of her own and that none of this would be happening if she (Barshop) weren’t on TV.

Photo: C.Smith/ WENN.com

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