New Kim Kardashian baby bump photo
A very pregnant Kim Kardashian landed in London Wednesday where she and a group of gal pals later attended the Beyonce concert at the O2 Arena. But prior to meeting up with Mrs. Carter, Kim and the ladies had a little fun getting ready, including Kim posing with her pregnant belly exposed for the above photo!
Well, one things for certain — Kim Kardashian’s bathroom backdrop is waaaaaaay nicer than Amanda Bynes’! đ
And just in case you’re wondering what watching a Beyonce concert from backstage looks like, here you go:
Kim tweeted the picture along with the caption, “Oh hey B!” She later tweeted this next photo with the words, “Backstage crew #MrsCarterShow:”
See ladies, pregnancy ain’t so bad!
Ahhhh, but Kim’s life isn’t all globe trotting and rubbing elbows with the most famous and beautiful people in the world — it also includes just a smidgen on torture in the form of… a fish tank pedicure?!?
Kim shared the clip on Keek and wrote, “I freaked out at this fish pedicure!!!! OMG”
I feel ya Kim! There’s nothing worse in this world than those damned fish tank pedicures!