New Chelsea Houska NoH8 photos with dad Randy, Aubree and pal Landon
A few days ago Teen Mom 2 star Chelsea Houska shared the first two photos from her NoH8 shoot with photographer Adam Bouska including a solo shot of herself and another one with daughter Aubree in which mom and daughter Shhhhhed each other adorably (both photos are above – click to enlarge). But, if you remember from our photos post from Chelsea’s trip out to California last December, when she had the NoH8 photos taken, she not only had Aubree with her, she also had her pop (aka Dr. Randy Houska, aka @PapaRandlicious) as well as her best pal and fellow hair stylist Landon. (You know, the uber hip due with the leopard print hair in the Teen Mom 2 Season 3 finale?)
As it turns out, Chelsea and Aubree weren’t the only members of the Sioux Falls entourage to get their NoH8 on in front of Bouska’s lens! Earlier today more photos from the session were released, including Chelsea and her dad, Chelsea and Landon, and a solo shot of Aubree!
The photos of Aubree sparked a bit of backlash on Facebook, causing Chelsea’s Facebook administrator to comment:
Aubree WAS NOT Harmed Or Forced to do anything she did not want to do! So please STOP with all the comments on Chelsea’s NOH8 pictures. They did this shoot for a great cause. There is no need to make rude comments. if you have nothing nice to say then Please Do Not Comment on them at all. Thank you! -Danielle
I am certain Adam Bouska and the folks with the NoH8 campaign are using duct tape with very little adhesive, and I’m also sure Danielle is correct when she states Aubree was not harmed or forced to do anything. Oh, and I love the first comment left by a fan on Danielle’s post:
“i like the hateful comments on the NOH8 pictures..apparently they didnt get the message”
Now, if only Jenelle Evans would take up the offer to appear on Judge Judy for the small claims court suit being filed by her former Facebook fan page admin Sarah RaeAnn (we sure do talk about a lot of Facebook fan page admins in our coverage of Teen Mom 2!) then perhaps we could get to see the ultimate NoH8 photo with none other than Barbara Evans! Although, I have to confess that it will be hard to beat Dr. Paparandlicious — even if it is Babs.