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MY 600 LB LIFE Tamy Lyn update: Fabulous in new photos despite recent health setback

My 600 Lb Life Tamy Lyn update 1

Our latest My 600 Lb Life Tamy Lyn update is a happy one! The Season 6 star has been keeping the weight off, and looks fabulous in her latest before-and-after pics — this despite a recent health setback that appears to have Tamy somewhat discouraged.

Tamy Lyn Murrell’s debut episode kicked off a string of My 600 Lb Life success stories that included David and Benji Bolton and Sarah Neeley, all of whom are among the cast members with the biggest weight losses in the show’s history. But things were certainly rough for Tamy when her episode began. The 45-year-old resident of Covington KY started her journey with a peak weight of 591 pounds and a troubled past full of emotional trauma.

Tamy revealed that she began overeating at just eight years old, as a means of comfort after she witnessed her father’s death from a heart attack. Following her father’s death, Tamy’s mother went into a mental decline, leading Tamy to turn to food once more.

By the time she was a young woman, Tamy had met James and become pregnant with her first child. But, despite the initial happiness the relationship brought, Tamy’s obesity only worsened.

Tamy and James both acknowledged that the love had gone out of their relationship, though James remained with Tamy in order to provide care. Tamy’s time with Dr. Nowzaradan produced immediate and steady results: she lost over 40 pounds in her first month under his care, and a total of 179 pounds in her first seven months. Approval for a gastric sleeve surgery came swiftly…but so did James’ reveal that he’d been cheating on Tamy.

By her episode’s end, the first My 600 Lb Life Tamy Lyn update explained that she had lost a total of 246 pounds (or a whopping 41.6% of her peak weight), leaving Tamy at 345 pounds and feeling optimistic about her future. James had moved out, and Tamy and her son Zachary had moved back to Kentucky.

So how is Tamy Lyn Murrell now? For starters, here’s the most recent photo Tamy has made public. She doesn’t update her social media profiles with personal information too often, so the pic is from July of 2018, several months after her episode premiered. However, the changes in Tamy’s appearance and attitude still more than speak for themselves:

My 600 Lb Life Tamy Lyn update July 2018

In addition, here’s a pic Tamy shared shortly after her debut. It’s one of the most common pics of Tamy, and made the rounds last year — but it’s Tamy’s ex James’ comment on the photo that you’ve got to see:

My 600 Lb Life Tamy Lyn update March 2018

“Tamy has always been a beautiful woman,” James wrote, in his own caption (he and Tamy both shared the same image). “She had me take her to the store to buy new make up and this is the first time in many years i have seen her with make up on and to tell you the truth it i made me cry because I have not seen her this happy about something the look on her face was priceless.”

As far as Tamy’s involvement with Dr. Now, she actually just returned from a road trip to Houston and a check-up at his offices. Tamy hasn’t revealed anything about how her visit went, though she did say that, crucially, the 1000-mile journey is no longer physically arduous.

“The only thing bad about the trip now is it take so long,” Tamy wrote. “The trip i[s] safe is nothing no more my body dont usually dont hurt no more.”

In other health-related news, as we mentioned above, Tamy recently received an unfortunate diagnosis. She visited her doctor back home to figure out why her ankle had been “popping and hurting when walking,” and came away with a diagnosis of degenerative bone disease.

No word yet on whether that diagnosis, plus Tamy’s continued weight loss success, will feature on a new Where Are They Now? follow-up later this year. For now, you can stream Tamy Lyn’s My 600 Lb Life debut in full here, via TLC.

(Photo credit: My 600 Lb Life Tamy Lyn update via Facebook, TLC)

John Sharp is Starcasm’s chief editorial correspondent-at-large. Tips: E-mail john@starcasm.net or Twitter @john_starcasm.

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