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Michael Ilesanmi has an attorney! Files appearance in annulment case

Michael Ilesanmi hires an attorney to contest annulment filing by Angela Deem

90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After star Michael Ilesanmi is fighting back!

After a GoFundMe campaign to help Michael EXPLODED and almost doubled its $25,000 goal, the reality star has hired an attorney to contest the annulment filed by estranged wife Angela Deem in June.

Michael Ilesanmi’s attorney

Michael’s new lawyer filed an entry of appearance in Jeff Davis Superior Court earlier today, exactly one week after the GoFundMe was launched.

Georgia attorney Andrea M. Johnson of Vayman & Teitelbaum, P.C. filed the notice.

A quick search reveals that Ms. Johnson has been a licensed attorney in Georgia for more than 20 years. She specializes in family law, but also has experience with immigration. She certainly seems like a perfect fit for Michael!

Vayman & Teitelbaum is a boutique family law firm located in Alpharetta, Georgia. A visit to the firm’s website reveals multiple animations of a man and woman yelling at each other.

“Had enough of the arguing?” one of the animations asks — yet another seemingly perfect fit for Michael.

Angela Deem’s annulment filing

Michael’s wife Angela Deem filed for an annulment in Georgia on June 20.

She claimed to not know Michael’s whereabouts, and the judge signed off on a service by publication order. That essentially means that Michael could officially be served without actually being contacted.

According to Georgia law, Michael has 60 days after being served to file an answer.

Starcasm was the first to report on the annulment, but that wasn’t until August 7. That meant Michael may have had a very narrow window in which to file an answer before a default judgment was issued.

Soon after the Starcasm article revealed the annulment filing, the GoFundMe campaign was launched to help Michael afford an attorney in order to contest the annulment filing.

The GoFundMe immediately blew up with 90 Day Fiancé fan donations. It has been exactly one week since the campaign was launched and Michael has raised $43,111 — nearly doubling the $25,000 goal!

The hefty sum was the result of more than 2,200 donations, almost all of which were accompanied by messages of support.

Starcasm will continue to monitor the annulment case and share any major updates.

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com

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