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Now everyone can have a Kimye wedding with Kim Kardashian: Hollywood

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Kim Kardshian: Hollywood updated yesterday and now we can all tap on things to collect points and vicariously live the Kimye Italian wedding for ourselves!

Here’s a list of the new options the game offers:

  • Plan a dream wedding and get married!
    Visit Florence, Italy – the perfect place to tie the knot, and settle down in a new villa
    New clothing and items, including WEDDING GOWNS, tuxedos, and wedding rings
    New quests for you & your new spouse
    Upcoming quests where you can throw parties – be the host with the most to win exclusive items!
    Free gifts! Check back every day for a special mystery gift, and get more during upcoming events!
    New video messages from Kim!
    More fans and levels to earn
  • According to the Chapter Cheats gaming message board, you can get your Kimye wedding (complete with a wall of flowers,) through these steps:

    1. Go on a date with your partner, and you pop the question
    2. Maria calls to tell you to go on 3 more dates
    3. Meet your wedding planner in Florence and pick decorations.
    4. Go on another date to dispel rumors that your fiancé is cheating.
    5. Go on 3 more dates.
    6. Get married!

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    You can also now host house parties at your various residences to get money and fans, and every day you get a gift (it’s a came where you pick from one of eight squares and can use stars to choose more gifts.)

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