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John Cena and Nikki Bella’s breakup media dance continues

The breakup of John Cena and Nikki Bella continues to make headlines as the pair dance around whether or not they’re going to get back together. Their reality show Total Bellas premieres this Sunday on E!.

John has made some very public declarations of love for Nikki and says he wants to get back together with her and start a family. He was originally reluctant to have kids, but it looks like he’s changed his mind on that front. He’s appeared on The Today Show twice and most recently shared a powerful message on Instagram by posting an iconic shot from 1989’s Say Anything, where John Cusack’s character plays a song from a boombox outside his love interest’s window in an attempt to get her back.

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Nikki Bella has repeatedly said that she needs time to focus on herself, but has no loss of love for John. “I love John so much,” Nikki told PageSix on Thursday. “He is such an amazing man, I’m just right now going through a period of time where I need to focus on me and work on me. . . . A healthy me is a healthy us, so I do have hope for our future, and I do think that we’ll have that royal happy ending, but only time can tell.”

Today (Thursday) John Cena subtweeted about why they broke up and why they are still apart. “Lack of communication is many times what causes people to drift apart,” he tweeted. “Lack of forgiveness is many times what causes people to stay apart.”

If nothing else, John Cena is being incredibly persistent in his bid to win back Nikki Bella. It seems like Nikki still loves John, so the reconciliation seems imminent.

Amelia Cunningham is a Starcasm writer and editor


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