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Jesse James mistress Melissa Smith’s apology fax to Sandra Bullock

Jess James mistress Melissa Smith and her Sandra Bullock apology tattoo

Jesse James mistress number two Melissa Smith decided she would take the ‘high road’ and fax Sandra Bullock a personal apology. It seems she also decided to take the low road and send a copy to TMZ.

For those with an aversion to PDFs (I know you’re out there!) I typed up the letter for you in its entirety:

Fortis Films
Fax: [deleted]

ATTN: Sandra Bullock

Dear Sandra,

I’m sure you’re wondering why I’m writing this letter to you. I felt I needed to reach out to you and tell you how deeply sorry I am for everything that you’ve been through. And I know nothing I can say in this letter is going to make the pain of my actions go away. But I sincerely wanted to take a moment to personally apologize to you.

I know that this message wills [sic] most likely go unanswered, but I want you to know that I am sorry for any hurt or pain that I have caused you. My actions of engaging with a married man are unforgivable. I never meant you any harm. I compromised my beliefs on several occasions and as a result, will never forgive myself.

I know that nothing I can say will take back the hurt my actions have caused. Fromt he bottom of my heart, I hope you accept my sincere apology. Please contact me if you wish to discuss on the phone or in person.

My deepest regrets,

Melissa Smith



Melissa’s apology list just got one shorter – next up? Apologizing for faxing an apology to Sandra Bullock for sleeping with her husband.

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