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Farrah Abraham, Chelsea Houska, Kailyn Lowry discuss Teen Mom on Anderson

Anderson Cooper threw down with a little Teen Mom mixer as he invited OMG (Original Mom Gangsta) Farrah Abraham and two stars of the second coming, Teen Mom 2, Kailyn Lowry and Chelsea Houska, to discuss the show that has changed the TV landscape as well as their own personal lives forever.

In the following clip provided by Anderson he asks a poignant question on how the girls would feel if they found their kids later on in life in the same young and being a parent position. See what Farrah had to say about that:

Anderson: If your kids when they’re your age end up having a kid, what will you think?

Farrah: I would think that I somewhat failed as a parent because of everything that we’ve been showing. I’ve been saving all these episodes, all these shows. I want my daughter to see it, know about it, read it, and I’m definitely going to have a sit down and talk and help her understand the realities of, if this does happen this is what you’re going to have to do. And I’ve done everything that I can as a parent and that’s what happens then I’ll feel somewhat like I failed. I hope that doesn’t happen and if it does, then I’m going to be supportive like my parents have but I’m not going to make it like it’s okay to do this.

Anderson asked if the girls were taught sex-ed. Kailyn stated that she hadn’t been really, Farrah added that there just wasn’t enough provided to make informed decisions. Chelsea told Anderson that she simply looked at a book and took a test in school. Farrah stated that she certainly considered not having Sophia and that it was her mother that reminded her that she was raised to believe abortion is wrong.

It was the usual TM topics for a great deal of the sit down. Do they make a bunch of money from the show? They answered, “No.” Does their fame glorify being a teen mother? None of them saw it that way.

Interestingly, Cooper brought up two additional teen mothers to have them reflect on their experiences in relation to the TV show. One of them had got pregnant at the age of 13. She considered adoption and abortion but felt like she couldn’t give up her child.

When asked if she felt the TM shows were accurate, the other mother on stage stated that fighting isn’t the only thing that happens in her life and that it seems like MTV overplays that part of all of it. Those two moms had some really well behaved kids and Cooper was surprised by how well they did on stage (so was I).

Overall, I think Kailyn, Farrah and Chelsea did a good job in defending their position that the shows keep it real and are helpful in preventing teen pregnancy.

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