
Farrah Abraham battery arrest update: community service and diversion

Farrah Abraham sentenced for battery arrest

Former Teen Mom star Farrah Abraham had another court date this week in regards to her battery charge after allegedly slapping a club security guard in January of 2022. Farrah’s arrest went viral after video was released of security having to pin her down to the sidewalk while waiting for police to arrive.

Farrah was initially charged with battery on a peace or police officer, but that was later dismissed and replaced with a battery charge.

According to Los Angeles County Superior Court records, Farrah was in court on Tuesday. She was allowed to enter a diversion program and was sentenced to 40 hours of community service.

“The Court Initiated Misdemeanor Diversion is essentially a ‘get out of jail free card’ as it provides an alternative to criminal prosecution and aims at preventing the creation of repeated offenders by keeping non-violent offenders out of jail by giving individuals a second chance and a clean slate,” The Justice Firm explains.

Entry into a diversion program is up to the judge in the case. “In considering whether to grant judicial diversion, judges would take into account defendant’s history, character, background, and the specific facts of the case,” The Justice Firm says.

Given Farrah’s prior history, which includes arrests for DUI and battery, combined with her infamously unapologetic and remorseless attitude, it seems a bit surprising that a judge would grant her entry into the diversion program.

The only additional terms of the diversion listed on the Los Angeles County Superior Court website is the 40 hours of community service. The fields for fines and required programs are blank.

Farrah has 18 months to complete her community service hours and avoid any other restrictions such as court-ordered protective or stay-away orders. It essentially equates to being on probation.

Upon completion of the diversion program, “the court is obligated to dismiss the case against the defendant,” The Justice Firm explains. “Not only would the case be dismissed, but also the arrest upon which the diversion was ordered will be deemed to have never occurred.”

It’s important to note that Farrah isn’t free and clear yet. She does have to complete 40 hours of community service, and if there’s anyone on the planet who seems likely to not complete community service, it’s Farrah.

Farrah is scheduled for a progress report on April 17, 2024. That will be followed one year later with a diversion and final sentencing hearing.

There were reports that Farrah’s charge was dropped after her court hearing in August, but those reports were incorrect.

Farrah Abraham arrest details

In case you missed it, Farrah was arrested outside Grandmaster Records in Hollywood after she got into an altercation with another customer before allegedly slapping a female security guard. Farrah was escorted out of the club, but that wasn’t the end of it.

From TMZ:

We’re told initially cops weren’t called. Rather, someone called for paramedics and when they arrived they say someone — presumably Farrah — was so belligerent they called the cops for backup.

Someone made a citizen’s arrest — we’re assuming it’s the security guard but we haven’t confirmed. Farrah was taken into custody and released shortly thereafter.

Multiple videos surfaced showing Farrah pinned to the ground by an unknown man. She was eventually allowed to stand up, and police soon arrived on the scene. She was taken away and later booked for battery.

Farrah Abraham responds to arrest

After her arrest, Farrah took to social media to express her outrage at being battered, abused, conspired against. etc. Here is her full initial statement:

I post this as no woman or man should ever be battered, abused, conspired, ganged up on, set up, recorded, and video sold.

I’m putting a restraining order on @antonelloparloto livebad who made this dinner reservation and conspired an attack on myself with the staff at @grandmaster_recorders as it was a “private persons arrest” complete setup.

I’ve had a very traumatizing year and I don’t deserve to be attacked, bruised, men on me, and battered. As a single mother to be harassed, battered, and conspired against as a paying customer @grandmaster_recorders should fire their management, and security for all contributing to attacking 1 person out of 3 people.

I thank the HOLLYWOOD police for rescuing myself from being held against my will and being attacked, I NEEDED HELP- I couldn’t even use my phone.

I’m blessed to go to church today. I realize it’s no longer safe for woman to go out to eat in their own neighborhoods. I look forward to my law degree and I look forward to court. Justice will be served as always.

Woman it is a scary unsafe world we live in, act upon your rights and always care for others even when everyone hurts you and attacks you. You are resilient and you are stronger then all of the weak people out there who hurt and traumatize us.
With love🙏,

Farrah used the altercation to condemn violence against women, but the security guard she allegedly hit was a woman named Megan.

Security guard allegedly attacked by Farrah Abraham responds

Once the story made national news, Megan also spoke out on social media. Here is part of what she had to say in response to the incident:

Allegedly, I’m so tired of these celebrities thinking they can do whatever to me. You put your hands on me for doing my job, I won’t let this go. I work very hard, I’m in my last few months of school (bachelors program) and I take care of my mom who has cancer. I have no time for jail which I why I handle this professionally, on top of that I’m black. If I would’ve beat this lady up, I would be going to jail, and lose my job, I have way too much to lose. What’s so crazy is it’s MLK weekend, I’m speaking up enough is enough. Literally I thank god for changing me, years ago I wouldn’t care hands would be thrown yet I’m older now, I’m 32 years old. I don’t need to be in anyone’s jail house tbh. I thank god for saying “no” Megan don’t do it.

Megan shared a since-deleted photo of her bruised face as well. “Here is what my face looks like after the attack,” Megan wrote. “This lady was being kicked out for fighting in our club, she refused to leave and decided to hit me.”

Farrah enters rehab

Farrah later admitted herself to a rehab facility in Texas for 28 days. She claimed that she was suffering trauma from the altercation as well as an alleged sexual assault by Windsor, California mayor Dominic Foppoli in March of 2021.

Farrah was in Texas after electing to move out of Los Angeles in the wake of her club scuffle. “I’ve just had such a hard time dealing with it,” Farrah told TMZ in regards to the altercation and arrest. She was interviewed near a U-Haul truck. Her dad, Michael Abraham, was with her at the time. “I’ve been working so hard on myself these past two weeks since the incident.”

Farrah also revealed that she was thinking of suicide. “I’m trying to stay positive about it because I was really suicidal this week.”

Farrah stayed in rehab for the full amount of time. Once she was out, she announced her plans to pursue a new career doing stand-up comedy.

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com

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