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Donald Trump insults Jeb Bush’s wife in since-deleted tweet

Trump universe


Donald Trump insults Jeb Bush’s wife with a tweet the beleaguered real estate mogul has since deleted. The tweet had to do with Trump’s controversial comments on Mexican immigrants; Bush’s wife Columba hails from Mexico, and has frequently critized the GOP for its stance on immigration.

Trump tweeted out the insult on the evening of July 4th. It was actually a re-tweet, from “Dutch right-winger” @RobHeilbron:


Trump insult


Though the original retweet has been deleted, you can still view it on Trump’s Twitter page via Google Cache.

All the Bush campaign offered in response was a simple statement from Columba: “I don’t think [Trump] represents the Republican Party and his views are way out of the mainstream of what most Republicans think.”

Trump has been doubling down on his original comments regarding Mexico and illegal immigration, which he made during his June 16th presidential campaign kickoff. Those comments were as follows:


When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.


Since that announcement, the Trump brand has lost many major sponsors and partnerships, including Univision, which will no longer carry the Miss USA pageant; NBC, which canceled The Apprentice; and Macy’s, which said it will stop carrying Trump-brand menswear.

NASCAR has also severed its ties with Mr. Trump.

Trump continued to assail the Mexican government in his most recent statement of defense, saying that “the Mexican government is forcing their most unwanted people into the United States” and claimed that in many cases, those people are “criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc.”

And he continued to tweet and retweet:


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