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Is 21-year-old Brittney Jones really Ashton Kutcher’s mistress?

Despite Ashton Kutcher’s Twitter rebuttal and legal threats, Star Magazine still isn’t backing down on their position that the 32-year-old cheated on 47-year-old Demi Moore with 21-year-old Brittney Jones.

They claim to know of two separate girls that he cheated on Demi with, and the second one has revealed her identity.

Brittney, who’s been obsessing over Ashton for years, met him at Hollywood’s Lucky Strike bowling alley when he was having fun with Demi and step-daughter Rumer. She reportedly gave him her phone number, and he began texting her. They agreed to meet at his house while Demi was out of town filming LOL: Laughing Out Loud, and had sex on the couch.

“He’s a great lover, very considerate and sweet. And it was very special to me. I felt totally comfortable in his arms. It was tender and nice–not some random sex act.”

After the first Star story came out about Ashton kissing a girl in public in early September (not Brittney), he took to Twitter to defend himself:

“I think Star magazine calling me a ‘cheater’ qualifies as defamation of character. I hope my lawyer agrees” and “STAR magazine – you don’t get to stand behind “freedom of the press” when you are writing fiction.”

But is it really fiction?

After Star revealed this second encounter with another girl, Brittney, his lawyer sent in a statement to US Magazine that, oddly enough didn’t specifically deny anything. Instead, he made general statements about the magazine:

“Star Magazine continuously publishes lies about Ashton Kutcher and many other celebrities. This is not the first, nor will it be the last time they engage in reckless conduct.”

This week’s issue of Star includes text messages send between Brittney and Ashton. Here’s a sample (via PopEater):

“When’s the next time you’re gonna have an empty house?” Brittney wrote to Ashton.

Sept. 20 Demi tweeted this pic of her and hubby Ashton on the set of her new film “The Reasonable Bunch” as evidence that she’s stickin’ by her man:

“Not sure,” he replied. “Maybe the end of the month.” He then added, “I’m w/ my daughter.”

Things are not stacking well for Ashton. Do you believe he really cheated on Demi Moore?

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