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PHOTO Exclusive details on Jenelle Evans’ new boyfriend Josh, He has a good job!

Jenelle Evans new guy Josh

Jenelle Evans seems to always take two steps forward, and one step back, but yet again she’s continuing on a good path. She’s working hard studying film at college, and she has a new man!

His name is Josh, he’s hot, and he has a job. Jenelle’s been dating Josh for about a month, and he’s apparently been very good to her. Plus, he’s super cute and did I mention he has a job!

Josh works in pest control, and he’s got a physically demanding role: taking down and rebuilding walls.

Jenelle tweeted the above photo of the two lovebirds together with the caption “Preview of my new man. He is simply amazing to me!” Congrats to them! Looks like this one’s not a “delper.”

Jenelle’s also been keeping up with her psychologist appointments and generally being an upstanding citizen. She recently got in a fight with her former BFF Tori (which resulted in a Facebook war when Tori, who was an admin of Jenelle’s page, posted some unbecoming things about Jenelle’s lady parts.) They were rumored to be fighting over Tori seeing multiple guys.

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