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Jenelle Evans arrested over cyberstalking charges filed by James Duffy; out of jail within hours after posting $1000 bond

Earlier today Holly Baby said they spoke with Jenelle Evans’ lawyer Dustin Sullivan, who confirmed there was a warrant out for Jenelle’s arrest. Now, an article from a local news website in North Carolina, starnewsonline.com, reports that Jenelle is back behind bars on cyberstalking charges levied by James Duffy, the former boss who released party photos of Jenelle online. Jenelle has claimed that Duffy poisoned her food, and the food of her friend Tori.

Jenelle turned herself in. Her bond is set at $1000, which her attorney Dustin Sullivan told Gossip Cop she was prepared to pay.

UPDATE: She has posted bond, and was released from jail at 2:30 this afternoon.

Here is her most recent mug shot photo:

Jenelle Evans mugshot photo for cyberstalking arrest March 5 2012

UPDATE – Jenelle’s lawyer spoke with Radar Online and called the charges against Jenelle absurd. “He’s just retaliating against Jenelle,” Dustin Sullivan said. “The charges have no merit. This is just absurd.” When asked if he thought the new charge would affect Jenelle’s current probation, Sullivan stated, “I’m not concerned with the affection on her probation.”

Presumably the terms of her bail also require her to leave social media for a month. She tweeted: “Bye bye twitter for a month :(”

Jenelle has also filed cyberstalking charges against James Duffy several weeks ago.

There are so far no specific details about these recent charges.

We’ve reached out to Jenelle’s lawyer, but haven’t heard back from him.

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