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Dang! Khloe Kardashian’s abs are seriously enviable

Khloe Kardashian Abs

For the past year of so, it seems like 95 percent of the paparazzi pictures of Khloe Kardashian are of her heading to or from the gym… Now we get a peek at the payoff!

“My fitness journey will be a life long journey. Fitness is not about being better than someone else… It’s about being better than you used to be,” Khloe said on Instagram. “I’m not where I want to be and who knows if I ever will be. But I am healthier than ever and due to my consistent workouts, I am slowly seeing results.”

A photo posted by Khloé (@khloekardashian) on

To really drive home the point about how far she’s come, Khloe later posted a before and after picture.

“Looking back at pictures of myself I didn’t realize at the time how unhealthy my lifestyle actually was. People love to call me the fat one but as weird as it sounds I still don’t think I would consider myself fat back then. Definitely overweight and unhealthy, yes,” the 30-year-old explained. “About two years ago I decided to turn to fitness as a form of therapy and as a stress reliever. I started slow and eventually I started working out 4 to 5 days a week.”

In the time since she started working out, Khloe said she’s learned it’s really all about consistency and commitment. (Anyone else remember Kardashians shilled Hydroxycut? It’s nice to see them acknowledge that diet and exercise are really the keys.)

“We all have to start somewhere and doing something is better than nothing at all. Start small so you don’t get discouraged and give up,” she said. “There are no quick fixes if you want long-term results. Working out is a huge part of my life now. I genuinely enjoy sweating out my frustrations and living a healthier life. My workouts are not all about vanity. They are about clarity for my mind and soul. We all have different journeys in life, make sure your journey is for you and you alone. Remember in the end the turtle won the race. Slow and steady. dedication and tenacity.”

A photo posted by Khloé (@khloekardashian) on

Besides working out and eating well, Khloe continues to use a waist trainer. As much as that all proves she’s very serious about her figure, she’s also able to joke about the appearance of her “baby abs” in the top picture.

“I see you!!! I hope to meet your other ab friends soon,” she said. “Yes I’m talking to my muscles. I’ve never met most of them before.”

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