Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly baby photos, plus her punexpected name revealed!
Big Brother and Amazing Race super couple Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly welcomed their first child on April 8, and now we have the first photos of their little girl — as well as the couple’s rather unusual play-on-words name choice!
So, what’s the #BrenchelBaby’s name?
Adora Borealis Villegas!
For those of you that don’t get the reference, the Aurora Borealis is another name for The Northern Lights.
Brenchel broke down their first and middle name choices with People: “We came up with the name Adora because we adore her, she’s ‘Adora-ble,’ and we wanted a Spanish name to celebrate her Hispanic heritage,” the couple said.
So what about that middle name?
Borealis was Rachel’s must-have middle name because she’s always been infatuated with the natural beauty of the Aurora Borealis, the Northern Lights. Of course Brendon loves the name because he is a physicist and science nerd! We love the name because Adora lights up our lives like the Borealis lights up the night sky.
After Adora’s first photo was published on People, proud mom Rachel unleashed the floodgates a bit with additional pictures on Instagram:
But, Rachel’s Instagram isn’t the only place to keep up with the #BrenchelBaby. Being super savvy 21st century celebrities, Brendon and Rachel know the value of social media and have already set up an Instagram account for Adora! Check out some of the amazingly Adora-ble shots from @adoravillegas:
In addition to updates on Adora, Rachel also recently shared some updates on how her body has been recovering after giving birth:
Rachel revealed in the caption to the photo montage above that she is using the Mama Strut post birth care system:
Loving @mamastrut this is my progress throughout post Partum – it helps with bleeding / getting out the squish / breast feeding / ice & heating pack for down there recovery / support & the important stuff like getting your organs back 2 place check out #mybestpostpartum
Congratulations to Brendon and Rachel! We’ve been fans of Brenchel longer than pretty much anybody else, with our first post about Rachel dating all the way back to June of 2010, before her first appearance on Big Brother. We look forward to watching Adora grow up, and to meeting Adora’s future siblings.