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BEFORE THE 90 DAYS Loren Allen banned from 90 Day Fiancé Subreddit for vile comments

Loren Allen from season 7 of Before the 90 Days has been BANNED from the largest 90 Day Fiancé Subreddit for making what some fans are calling ‘vile’ and ‘abhorrent’ comments about America, white people, his ex-wife and women’s bodies.

Keep reading below to see the AMA that has since been deleted by moderators.

Loren Allen Before the 90 Days

Loren Allen was introduced to Before the 90 Days fans in the premiere of season 7. Allen is seeking to meet his long distance love Faith who hails from the Philippines. At first the reception of their storyline was positive, with audiences praising Loren for seemingly ‘accepting’ Faith for being transgender and being open about being an LGBTQI couple.

News has come out about Loren’s troubled past, but it isn’t just his prior infractions that have Before the 90 Days viewers appalled and changing their minds about this couple. A recent AMA caused Allen to be banned from the 90 Day Fiancé Subreddit and his comments may shock you…

Loren Allen Reddit AMA

AMA stands for ‘Ask Me Anything,’ a format typically found on the social news site Reddit.com. The concept is that notable figures open themselves up to the comments section of a particular forum and provide fans with personal/direct replies to the questions.

Loren did just that when he recently participating in an AMA on Thursday, September 5th in the Subreddit for TLC’s 90 Day Fiancé. The group currently boasts 745K Members and is an extremely popular resource for series information amongst fans of the show.

During Allen’s discussion with fans, things took a nasty turn (literally) when the 90 Day star started making comments about rotting ‘vigina’ sweat.

It got much worse as he went on the attack against his ex-wife and a lady Loren ‘used to live with’ as a teenager who allegedly sold meth. The following screenshots are taken directly from Reddit:

The Before the 90 Days star then made comments against America calling it ‘evil’ and ‘controlling’ while also implying the Philippines is full of ‘run down shacks.’

Continuing his attack on cis women (and cis men??) Loren mentions that he ‘needs’ a female ‘smell’ in possibly his most disgusting comment yet:

All of Loren Allen’s comments from the AMA can be viewed here. The controversial thread has now been removed by moderators and the Before the 90 Days star has been banned. He is not, however, banned from all of Reddit, as Loren is still active on the forum ‘Marvel Strike Force.’

When asked why they removed the AMA, mod ImTheJefeNow replied: 

Calling white people “the devil” and making misogynistic comments about the female anatomy was impossible to overlook. 

Fans can watch 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days on TLC and Discovery+.

Ashley Marie is a writer for Starcasm and the personality behind Twitter’s @RealityByAshley. You can contact Ashley via Twitter or email at realitybyashley@gmail.com