BBWLA VIDEO Tami Roman struggles with new fertility diagnosis
Does Tami Roman have a baby? The Basketball Wives LA star’s recent visit to a fertilization specialist for a new outlook on her ability to concieve was chronicled in the show’s most recent episode. Unfortunately, the outlook might not be good for Tami and her long-term partner Reggie Youngblood.
Tami does have two adult daughters–Lyric and Jazz–with ex-husband Kenny Anderson, but has been vocal in recent years about wanting another child. In response to the oft-asked question of whether she and Reggie intend to get married and have a baby together, Tami, 46, often sounds both explicit and extremely happy. “I am in love with someone that I love with every inch of my being and he wants a kid so we are going to keep trying,” she said recently, and confessed that if she and Reggie have sex “two or three times” in a day that that is “a slow day.”
However, Tami also recently acknowledged that she has suffered three miscarriages while together with Reggie, and her trouble conceiving a third child led her to the doctor during Basketball Wives LA Season 3. But the visit did not go as Tami had hoped, and the BBWLA star finds herself confronted with some hard news:
Given Tami’s age, her difficulty carrying a pregnancy to term is “more likely related to embryo quality,” the doctor informs her. “Because of age, you’re making eggs that are not genetically normal, that are resulting in miscarriages.
“So, what are your options, as far as treatment,” the doctor continues. “One, you can keep trying. And if, next month, [you] have a normal egg, [you] have a baby. You can do in vitro fertilization….What I’m warning you about is there’s a good chance you’ll never produce a normal embryo.”
The only other option for the family is an egg donor, which is not a road they want to go down. “It just made me feel sad,” Tami confessed. “I want to have a baby with the man I love. But it just might not be possible…and it hurts my heart.”
When Reggie misconstrues Tami’s confession as a sign that she wants to stop trying, the emotions begin to run even higher. “Do I want to have a baby? Yes,” Tami says, definitively. “But am I physically capable of doing that? Maybe not. Am I emotionally able to just keep miscarrying? Absolutely not.
“The emotional aspect of it all–nobody goes through that but me,” Tami says, breaking down into tears as Lyric comforts her.
“Sometimes you just love someone,” Tami tells the camera in an aside, “and it’s just the wrong time.”
Basketball Wives LA airs Sunday nights on VH1.
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(Photo credits: Does Tami Roman have a baby via Instagram, VH1)