PHOTOS Giada de Laurentiis’ breasts spark controversy during Food Network Star finale
Last night, Food Network aired the finale of Food Network Star, their eleven-week-long summer personality extravaganza. There was a winner–though, in the interest of keeping things spoiler-free, you won’t read that winner’s name in this article–and the winner generated a fair bit of controversy, as is bound to happen among people who are emotionally invested in an outcome.
The bigger controversy, though, was over co-host Giada de Laurentiis’ breasts during the broadcast of the show. Giada has taken a fair amount of heat all summer long for her low-cut dresses (fan site Food Network Gossip has a great week-by-week rundown); during the finale, though, fans cranked that heat up to eleven with a scathing critique on Twitter.
That’s right–for a brief period last night, Giada de Laurentiis’ breasts were a trending topic on Twitter. Here’s a handful of the offended (and offensive) tweets:
Also, Giada’s dress is so inappropriate. #puttheboobsaway #FoodNetworkStar
— Jen (@inJENiouslife) August 17, 2015
@GDeLaurentiis got her shows confused. It’s not the #VictoriaSecret shoot. #FoodNetworkStar#cleavagemuch#noclass
— Angela Talley (@talley_angela) August 17, 2015
“@jonbecker: I wish #FoodNetwork didn’t continually try to make Giada’s cleavage the next #FoodNetworkStar”or her belly button! Geesh
— Bailey Byrd (@BostieTweets) August 17, 2015
Well done @FoodNetwork. @fitchefeddie was the clear winner of #FoodNetworkStar. Giada’s cleavage a close second.
— Jason Rosko (@JasonRosko) August 17, 2015
#Giada‘sTits is trending as my new band name! @FoodNetwork@outlawcarnies@Bourdain@ShooterJennings@brentamaker
— Brian Carr (@tornadobaitjbc) August 17, 2015
– #FoodNetworkStar lol I love Giada haha but sometimes on the show her boobs are all out there n of course I love to see it? but theres fans
— chris dropulich (@chris_drop) August 17, 2015
#FoodNetworkStar @GDeLaurentiis #greatdress for the #finale . It showed all of your #assets. #milf
— Joe alba (@Joeal781) August 17, 2015
@GDeLaurentiis We love watching #FoodNetworkStar as a family. As a mom, I wish you would cover yourself when on national TV. — Mrs. Joey Krol (@aubreykrol) August 17, 2015
@GDeLaurentiis & @FoodNetwork please cover up your b**bs. This is a family show. #FoodNetworkStar — Julia Wiltshire (@jcwiltshire74) August 17, 2015
Watching @FoodNetwork wondering if I need to send the kids away because of what @GDeLaurentiis is wearing
— Timothy Still (@BrotherTimCLP) August 17, 2015
@SaraCaylor @GDeLaurentiis She’s a boring slut shopping for a new husband. Whatever?!!
— AresDuke (@ares407) August 17, 2015
Highlighting the (only) two reasons Giada De Laurentiis is on #FoodNetworkStar The #power of #breasts. #tits — Donna In The U.S.A. (@DonnaDomme) August 17, 2015
Yeesh. Those are some pretty strong words for a dress that wouldn’t be entirely out of place at most dinner parties–and Food Network Star is nothing if not an extended dinner party.
Of course, Giada had her defenders, as well…
@SheHult Those are her “girls” and there’s gratuitous about it. #Giada is a #fine #sexy #Italian woman. Why is her showing cleavage an issue — Magnificent2 (@Indomitable69) August 17, 2015
so, @GDeLaurentiis, you brought the girls out!!!! so nice to see!
#FoodNetworkStar — Bertha Butts (@Bertha_B1) August 17, 2015
@GDeLaurentiis Great job this season, and wow that dress tonight. So beautiful — 0 (@chris353535) August 17, 2015
…but, for the most part, viewers were highly critical of what they deemed to be an inappropriate look on Giada’s part.
What do you, the viewers at home, think? Is that a fair response? Was Giada dressed inappropriately last night; has her wardrobe been scandalous all season? Or does Twitter need to (gasp!) grow up?
(Photo credits: Screencaps via Food Network)