Is Leah Messer pregnant? Are the Rumors true or fiction?

JAnuary 2 2012 OK magazine cover with Teen Mom 2 stars Leah Kailyn Chelsea and Jenelle

UPDATE: This rumor is confirmed to be TRUE! Leah’s boyfriend Jeremy Calvert reveals to Reality Magazine January 9 edition that Leah Messer IS expecting his baby. However, Leah did not know she was pregnant when these rumors started circulating December 2011.

UPDATE – Well I’ll be darned, it appears that Leah Messer IS pregnant after all! At least according to her new man Jeremy Calvert. Click to ind out more!

Another week, another slew of overly dramatic tabloid headlines about Teen Mom 2 stars Leah Messer, Chelsea Houska, Jenelle Evans, and Kailyn Lowry Irwin.

Leah Messer gets a small In Touch cover story with the headline “Leah Confirms: ‘Yes, I’m pregnant!” and all four gals are featured as the main cover story on OK! with the headline “TEEN MOM SHOCKER: Who’s Losing Their Baby? Exclusive details on the most painful moment the show has ever seen!”

January 2 2012 In Touch magazine cover announcing Leah Messer is pregnant

I’ll start with the Leah Messer pregnancy story. In Touch has a witness who claims to have overheard Leah telling her new boyfriend Jeremy Calvert over the phone, “I’m pregnant!” after leaving St. Mary’s Medical Center in West Virginia on December 9.

“She was glowing,” says the witness. “She looked like she had just heard some big news.”

That’s followed by some quotes from a “friend” of Leah’s who claims she went off birth control a month ago and was trying to get pregnant, blah, blah, blah. There’s the usual divisive quote from an “insider” who says Corey Simms is angry about the whole thing. “He said she was a slvt and doesn’t have her head on straight,” the insider says.

LEAH IS NOT PREGNANT. From what we understand the hospital visit and phone call to Jeremy wasn’t about Leah being pregnant, but her friend Amy LaDawn Falls, who announced her pregnancy last month before sadly announcing she had lost the baby due to a miscarriage. Amy took to Twitter earlier today to express her disgust at a web site for running with the In Touch story:

Amy LaDawn Falls angrily tweets about Leah Messer pregnancy story by HollyBaby

OK! has stories on all the Teen Mom 2 girls so I will break them down one by one. (As far as the “Who’s Losing Their Baby?” headline, it mostly applies to Jenelle but they also extend it to dads Adam Lind and Corey Simms as you will see.)

The article starts with Leah Messer and reports (as if you couldn’t guess) Leah is trying to replace Corey Simms with her new boyfriend Jeremy Calvert. There are a couple quotes that the magazine seems to twist to fit the divisive “Leah is trying to get Corey out of her daughters’ lives” story line. For instance, Corey reportedly told a pal, “I’d die for my girls. Jeremy is not there to replace me. No one will keep them from me.” Is it just me or does that statement seem to contradict the story? Corey is simply saying Jeremy isn’t there to replace him – something Leah has iterated on numerous occasions.

Next up is Chelsea Houska with a story titled “Chelsea Loses Her Baby Daddy.” Basically the story is about Adam Lind serving his 30-day sentence for driving with a revoked license and speeding. (His license had been suspended after previously being arrested for underage drinking, reckless driving, and burglary.)

Chelsea Houska's ex Adam Lind fake mug shot
^ Fake Adam Lind mug shot photo from our post on his arrest

An “insider” says Adam was supposed to attend AA meetings but never did. “Adam’s a partier and immature,” says the insider. “He wasn’t ready to be a father, but he has so much love for Aubree. But the good news is that the fear of losing her might finally scare him straight.” Sound familiar?

Next up is Jenelle Evans, who the magazine claims is no closer to gaining custody of Jace than she was the day she lost him. The story is based on information given by one of Jenelle’s former friends, Sarah Walker.

“Jenelle bragged to everyone on [Oak Island] that she went into rehab for the publicity and that MTV thought it would help her image, ” Walker tells the magazine. “She did love rehab, though. She said it was like a great paid vacation.” Walker goes on to say Jenelle is still partying and nothing much has really changed.

Another former friend of Jenelle’s with a story to sell. I’m sure Jenelle is no saint, but I find it hard to believe that she “hasn’t changed at all” when she has a rather strict probation officer breathing down her neck all the time. Plus, Jenelle has never been that great at being discrete – so if she were out getting drunk and partying I’m sure we’d be looking at the photos and watching the fight videos.

Kailyn Lowry Irwin gets off pretty much Scott free with her article! It just says she is in fear of losing her home. The “insider” (I’m starting to think this “insider” for all these stories is just some 13-year-old Teen Mom fan with good hustle) says, “Kailyn never knows one day to the next if she and Isaac will even have a roof over their heads.”

Teen Mom kailyn Lowry announces clothing line for her son Isaac

The article goes on to mention The Isaac Elliott Collection (Kailyn’s son’s line of clothing) and is very complimentary in doing so. That’s about it. (Hey Kailyn – can we get a “Whew!”)

Something tells me Kailyn isn’t going to be losing the roof over her head any time soon. Oh, and I think Isaac’s expression pretty much sums up this week’s batch of Teen Mom tabloidegery!

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