Teen Mom costumegery: Kailyn Lowry as “Circus” Britney Spears

Teen Mom 2 stars Kailyn Lowry son Isaac and Jonathan Rivera in Circus Halloween costumes

Oops, I did it again!

The Teen Mom Photoshop Halloween fun continues as we move on to the great state of Pennsylvania and Teen Mom 2 star Kailyn Lowry. Anyone that knows anything about Kail knows she is one of the world’s biggest Britney Spears fans, so that combined with the fact that she sort of resembles the pop superstar made this one a no brainer!

Kailyn is sporting a ring leader/lion tamer costume inspired by Britney’s similar stage look from her Circus tour. I thought I would stick with the circus theme, so her son Isaac is wearing a colorful and fun clown costume complete with over-sized top hat.

I really wanted to deck Isaac’s dad Jonathan “Jo” Rivera out as a rapper, but because I was tied to the circus theme I thought it would be funny to put him in a lion costume. (It was partly a play on the fact that Kail was a lion tamer – I figured she would get a kick out of that!) Surprisingly, they don’t seem to make nice lion costumes for adult men, so poor Jo got stuck with one of the cheesiest looks imaginable. (Tough Jo in a lame big cat costume is kinda cute though, dontcha think?)

Anyways, Happy Halloween to Kail, Isaac and Jo! Stay tuned – who knows what other Teen Mom Halloween costumegery is just around the corner!

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