90 DAY FIANCÉ Sam responds to jaw comments: ‘Yes I have bottom teeth’

90 Day Fiance Sam Wilson jaw

90 Day Fiancé Season 10 star Sam Wilson took to social media to respond to viewers commenting on his appearance — especially his jawline.

“Let me tell about my story so people can think before they speak,” Sam began a lengthy caption to an Instagram gallery of throwback photos (included below).

“Long story short, my family didn’t have the best upbringing and parents fighting a lot, which I love them they did the best they could but sometimes we got neglected because of it,” he continued. “My teeth being one of them.”

Does that mean Sam doesn’t have any lower teeth? “Yes I have bottom teeth,” he wrote. “I have this jawline from my [dad’s] side. All of his family have the same jaws because we have part of Irish.”

In the comments, someone stated that smoking meth “in your developing years” can “degrade your bones,” and speculated that may have been the cause. Sam quickly refuted the hypothesis:

COMMENT: Sam your jaw is completely different in the pics you have provided. I am not a mean person and don’t want to even mention but you have brought it up. I think methadone and suboxone can degrade your bones maybe it just happened to be your jaw. Or if you possibly smoked meth in your developing years that could be it too! Anyways much love from a fellow person in recovery I am still on methadone tho, 10 years afraid to get off. Feel safer here. Doctor doesn’t push me because ppl are dying left and right. Xoxoxo from Canada.

SAM: lol no meth im good man 😅

SAM: keep fighting the good fight tho

In addition to the comments and questions about his jaw, Sam also addressed negative comments about other aspects of his appearance. “I want to say that filming was long days and lot of stress so thats why we usually look bad in scenes,” he explained. “Ask any of the cast about it 😅.”

Sam’s Season 10 co-star, Devin Hoofman, iterated Sam’s comment about being exhausted while filming in her post addressing questions about her jaw and how she talks.

Sam also took a moment to thank those who have been supportive after his 90 Day Fiancé debut. “I appreciate everyone who has my back and supports us. Really lucky I got a wonderful woman at my side.”

Here’s Sam’s gallery of throwback pictures in which he appears to have a more pronounced chin:

Sam’s 90 Day Fiancé co-stars share support

Sam’s Instagram post quickly filled up with supportive comments, including many from other 90 Day Fiancé Season 10 stars. I’ve compiled them for you below:

SOPHIE: Ignore the trolls there’s nothing wrong with how u look at all they just have nothing better to do with their lives, & I’m sure they wouldn’t look their best being filmed all the time either lol! You and Citra are really lovely people and you guys have great things ahead ☺️✨

CLAYTON: As wonderful as it is to explain your side of the story, the real side, oftentimes, these things fall on deaf ears. You’re a good dude, Sam. It’s a shame the 90 Day Fiancé audience is the way it is.

ANALI: Enemies will always have shit to say, their brains are so small that they don’t think beyond what they see on the screens! You and Citra are really cool! 🥰

DEVIN: I think the more people see you they will really start to see how cool you and Citra really are! Don’t let losers online diminish all your accomplishments! <3 DEVIN’S MOM: No explanation needed! Great things ahead! Sending hugs!

ROB: Facts bro😩😅

90 DAY FIANCÉ Sam and Citra wedding photos & exclusive details

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com

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