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Was Jenelle Evans arrested? She explains what happened

Jenelle Evans arrested jail

We reported earlier that Jenelle Evans’ boyfriend David Eason was arrested today for violating a domestic violence protective order, but it seems he wasn’t the only one having legal issues. According to the New Hanover County Sheriff’s Department website, Jenelle was also arrested today!

The website says an officer named A D McNeil arrested Jenelle on a charge of misdemeanor cyber stalking at the New Hanover County Sheriff’s Department.

UPDATE – As I was writing this post, someone else pointed out the arrest record to Jenelle, but she says she wasn’t arrested, only served papers:

We reached out to Jenelle for clarification but haven’t heard back. We are guessing that Jenelle was there to bail David out and police served her the papers on an outstanding cyberstalking charge? That would explain why the location of her arrest was the New Hanover County Sheriff’s Department’s street address.

UPDATE – We were right! “I went to bail out David and they just gave me the papers for my court date,” Jenelle tells us. “Was NOT arrested,” she reiterates.

As far as the cyberstalking charges, it is unclear who that was pertaining to. Jenelle has had numerous issues with cyberstalking in the past, so it could be just about any one.

Regardless of whether she was technically arrested or not, it’s really terrible timing for Jenelle to have any sort of legal drama, as she is currently embroiled in a heated custody battle with her son Kaiser’s dad Nathan Girffith. In addition, Jenelle is still suffering hot flashes and other symptoms that led to her appearance (and diagnosis) on The Doctors.

We will update when we know more. Meanwhile, let’s all look at the bright side here — perhaps we will all be seeing more of this handsome mug on Teen Mom 2 soon:

Jenelle Evans lawyer Dustin Sullivan


UPDATE – The Ashley’s Reality Roundup spoke with a New Hanover Sheriff’s Department rep who confirms Jenelle’s story. “It wasn’t actually arrest,” the rep says. “She was served with a criminal summons. A criminal summons is a paper that states that someone is accusing you of a crime, and telling you to show up in court for a judge to decide if a crime has been committed.”

In addition to confirming that Jenelle was not actually arrested, the rep reveals that the cyberstalking charges were filed by none other than Nathan Griffith.

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