VIDEOS: DWTS meets Justin Bieber meets Lithuania dad

Justin Bieber fever has spread its talons causing strange inexplicable behavior across the planet.  In a terrifying and seemingly hopeless case of Bieb-Fever we have Vitalijus Orlovas from Lithuania stealing the spotlight from his two unassuming daughters who simply wanted to do a cover of Justin’s song “Baby.”

A couple of identifiably Eastern European qualities are covered in this YouTube gem including wardrobes that are at least a decade dated and drab house decor.  The two young girls Kamile and Karolina slowly sway back and forth singing occasional lines but dad absolutely dances his Lithuanian fanny off in a fully committed piece of viral bliss!

Mr. Orlovas has the heart of a lion, the courage of an eagle and the hips of a cheetah.  This clip proves that there are cultural divides in the world because it is unimaginable that two young American gals would have tolerated that much dad fueled embarrassment.  Digging a little deeper I found Vitalijus’ source YouTube channel and it is a goldmine of abfab dancing.  Here are a few additional clips of the Lithuanian Usher making the world understand that nobody puts Lithuania in a corner.

Vitalijus Orlovas, you will live forever sir!

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