VIDEO Greg Benson cell phone crashes loud talkers at Disneyland


Actor and comedian Greg Benson has been on a one man mission to rid the world of the too-loud public cell phone conversation.

His pranking videos posted to YouTube have millions of views, because we’re all fed up with that loud jibber-jabber, and his latest turn takes on some folks at a place where we’re all supposed to be free of these types of irritations… Disneyland!

His strategy, that he calls cell phone crashing, has remained the same as Greg simply stands near the guilty party and mimics their conversation. The results vary, but he’s usually successful and always nice about it.


And don’t even get me started with the folks who do this with the assistance of a Bluetooth. Arrrrrggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

HT: Gawker

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