VIDEO Downton Abbey Season 4 preview trailer

Dowager Countess  quote “You have a straightforward choice. You must choose… either death or life.” Downton Abbey Season 4

Anglomaniacs rejoice — ITV has released the first preview trailer for Downton Abbey Season 4!

The clip features the Dowager Countess offering up her gentrified take on Andy Dufresne’s classic “Get busy living, or get busy dying” line from Shawshank Redemption when she tells the grieving Lady Mary Crawley, “You have a straightforward choice. You must choose… either death or life.” Mary replies, “And you think I should choose life?”

At this point we’re treated to a montage of short, dramatic clips that feature (in order): dancing, dancing, dancing and kissing, kissing, kissing, kissing, crying, crying, hugging, anger, flirty look, pensive greeting, surprise, fighting, fighting, kissing…. The rest is lots of people in doorways, tea drinking, a ton of comforting gestures, and then laughing, smiling, and in conclusion, a robust and breathy greeting from Lady Rose MacClare:

“Welcome to Downton!”

Dowton Abbey Season 4 Lady Mary Crawley and son George with Tom Branson and daughter Sybbie

Downton Abbey Season 4 premieres January 5, 2014 in the United States as part of the PBS Masterpiece Classic series, but will return to ITV in September. Are you bloody excited?!?

I’ll leave you with some Crawley wavy hair glory…

Downton Abbey Season 4 Mary Crawley Cora Crawley and Edith Crawley

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