Utah man claims he had sex with unconscious woman to “save her life”

Rodger William Kelly had sex with neighbor to save her

A 50-year-old man from St. George, Utah is in hot water after he claims to have had sex with his unconscious 29-year-old neighbor in an attempt at saving her life. Rodger William Kelly was charged with first-degree rape on Monday but he insists he was just being a good samaritan.

According to court documents obtained by the St. Lake Tribune, Kelly informed police that he inserted his penis into his female neighbor because he thought that it would warm her up. “He was trying to save her life,” the document states. “He said he did place it inside of her to try and get her temperature up.”

Kelly says he found the woman passed out in front of her apartment and brought her inside his apartment. He then changed her clothes and put her onto his bed where he laid next to her, hugging her to try and warm her. When that didn’t work he did what he thought to be the next logic step — intercourse. When police arrived to the scene, Kelly was giving the woman CPR.

The woman, who eventually woke up, later told police she suspected she was raped and vaguely recalled being dressed in mens underwear and shorts. She also told them she had bruising on her pelvic area and upper thighs.

Kelly told police that he and the woman were intimate in the past but also that she informed him she did not want to have sex again.

A rape kit could not be completed because the woman’s private region had been cleaned while she was sedated.

It should be noted that in southern Utah where the crime occurred, the average temperature is around 85 degrees.

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