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Tyler Baltierra says Carly’s still the first child he thinks about on Father’s Day.

Photo: Instagram @tylerbaltierramtv

Tyler Baltierra shared with US Weekly his feelings about Father’s Day as a father of four who placed his first child in adoption.


“To be honest with you, Carly’s always the first one I think about on that day, especially as the kids get older,” Tyler told the publication.

He says when he wakes up to little gifts, he wonders what it would be like to have an “almost 15-year-old” wish him a Happy Father’s Day. 

The feeling “hits him like a ton a bricks” as the kids get older and their gifts before “more sentimental.” 

He went on to explain that he will always think of Carly on that day because she was the one who made him a dad, which is understandable.

Tyler and his wife Catelynn shared the story of placing their daughter Carly in an adoptive home on the first season of MTV’s 16 & Pregnant in 2009.

Catelynn and Tyler went on to star in Teen Mom, and went on to have 3 more daughters: Novalee, Vaeda, and Rya. At the time they made the choice for Carly, they had no idea they would be cast in the spin-off series Teen Mom and build a huge media career. At the time, their future seemed uncertain. 

In May, Catelynn shared on her Instagram stories some of her frustrations with the adoption process and not being able to see Carly very often. She feels like Carly’s adoptive parents Brandon and Teresa have not made time for Tyler and Catelynn to be a part of Carly’s life. 

“Adoption is wild … Being at the mercy of someone that can say no…” she vented to her online audience. “I know I chose this, there’s no need to tell me!”

“I will just never understand how you say that you ‘love’ us and will always be ‘blessed’ for us … BUT you can’t take TWO days out of your entire year to just meet up for dinner and do a park or something small? Especially when we said we would travel to YALL?!”



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