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Easiest call ever: Home Town Season 2 has been greenlit by HGTV

Home Town Season 2 2

There’s no reason to beat around the bush with this one: Home Town Season 2 is a go! The good people in charge of HGTV decided to order another round of renovations from Erin and Ben Napier before the dust had even settled on Season 1, which is only about halfway through its run. And the network actually handed their decision down a couple of weeks ago, which means they’re as taken with the show’s effortless coziness, genuine southern charm, and dedication to beautiful craftsmanship as the millions of people who tune in each week.

(In case you couldn’t tell, Starcasm has both feet planted firmly on board the Home Town bandwagon. We are 100% jazzed about this news!)

As she often does with news about the show and all things Laurel, Erin took to her Laurel Mercantile blog to share the good word about Home Town Season 2:

It’s an incredible day because we can finally announce some big news we’ve been sitting on for a week, dying to tell you.

We got renewed for season 2 of Home Town! I can’t wait to see our favorite circus come back to town, to hug their necks, to eat inordinate amounts of snacks on set and get dinners together at the Loft with our amazing film crew. I can’t wait to see what new families we will meet, what homes will be restored!

In addition — and just as importantly, if you’re a supporter of what the Napiers are trying to do to their own home town — Erin described she and Ben’s recent talk to “a huge crowd of Mississippi business leaders about the revitalization happening in Laurel.” Home Town is the most high profile result of the couple’s years-long quest to rejuvenate the city, and it was clear that being able to share their story with people from around their state, many of whom are trying to do the exact same thing, was a powerful opportunity.

“It made my heart pound,” Erin continued, “to stand on that stage and talk about the thing we’re so passionate about, to see their faces as they began to imagine the possibilities for their own towns.”

So, congrats to Erin and Ben on the continuation of their dream, and congrats on Home Town Season 2! Just because it’s fun, here’s a few Instagram highlights from Erin and Ben to help you celebrate:

Home Town‘sfirst season continues Tuesday nights at 10 on HGTV.

(Photo credits: Home Town Season 2 via Instagram)


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