
TEEN MOM Y&P Bar’s brother Troy Seales on trial for murder in California

Teen Mom Bar Bariki's brother Troy Seales arrested, charged with murder

We’ve been reporting on the over-the-top drama between Teen Mom Young and Pregnant dad Bariki Smith, his fiancee Ashley Jones, and his mother Shenandoah “Shen” Williams, but none of their issues can compare to the serious issues faced by Bar’s older brother Troy, who is currently on trial for murder in California.

Troy Seales, who was in attendance at Ashley Jones’ controversial baby shower, was arrested on September 12 and charged with murder in addition to shooting at an occupied vehicle after allegedly shooting at 22-year-old Deandre Adams while Adams was driving around East Oakland on August 25. Adams would later die from multiple gunshot wounds.

18-year-old Dupree Riley was also arrested and charged with attempted murder in addition to shooting at an occupied vehicle. From East Bay Times:

According to court documents and authorities, Adams was shot at multiple times as he drove in different parts of East Oakland, including 90th and Bancroft avenues by Riley and later along Olive Street between 88th and 90th avenues by both suspects..

Adams’ car crashed in the 9200 block of Olive Street and he died later that day at Highland Hospital.

Riley and Seales were identified as the suspects through witness statements and video surveillance, according to court documents. Riley was arrested Sept. 6 at his Tracy home and Seales was arrested Sept. 12 in Oakland. Both men are scheduled for plea hearings Sept. 28 and both are being held without bail.

Troy (seen above with his mom Shen at Ashley’s baby shower) was arrested after his girlfriend turned him in to police. More from Deputy District Attorney Butch Ford’s opening statements:

The prosecutor warned jurors that in this case, there are many witnesses that will not want to speak. But one woman, Seales’ girlfriend, got angry that he had been cheating on her with the mother of his child, and walked into the Oakland police department, with her dog also named Troy, and gave up information about her boyfriend, Ford said.

“Hell hath no fury,” Ford said.

She allegedly described how she was with Seales in Hayward when he got a phone call that day, and grabbed a duffle bag with an AK-47- style rifle and pistol inside. When he came back later, he said, “I think I killed that n****r cuz he crashed,” Ford said of the woman’s testimony.

Bar’s mom Shen has continued to insist that Troy is innocent, and the family started a GoFundMe page late last year in an attempt to raise money for an attorney. The GoFundMe page was later taken down, so the family moved to another site. Here are some of the claims made on the fundraising page explaining why Troy needs a private attorney:

Troy does NOT fit the witness description reported to the authorities. He is easily identifiable by his multiple tattoos, height and slim physique.

The prosecuting attorney has contacted our family and has been extremely unprofessional on record, including making remarks that it’s “too bad” Troy can’t afford a private attorney.

The public defense attorney has maintained a nonchalant attitude and is constantly soliciting our family for advice.

The public defense attorney and prosecuting attorney know each other personally and may be demonstrating a conflict of interest.

The campaign has raised $6,500 of the $10,000 goal, but it may be too late to help now because closing arguments in Troy’s case were scheduled for yesterday. Shen maintained her optimism on social media. “He is coming home,” she wrote on Facebook in response to one commenter. “Evidence is gonna show his innocence,” she added.

Earlier today, Shen updated on how things were going and detailed how unpleasant the entire experience has been:

Yesterday was busy but it was a good day. I’m amazed at how the entire Alameda County treats not only the accused but the families r treated as guilty before innocent instead of the other way around smh my son is charged not convicted and we as his family r there to support not be treated as if we have been charged. This system is so corrupt its ridiculous and the fact that some of these Sherriff deputies r truly on a power trip. But its fine when they judge they will be judged. He has so many that support him and me so they cannot stop that. Good morning one more day and i am asking for everyone to show up for the final day. I love and appreciate each and everyone one of my kids and friends and family who have been coming to support. I see each and every one of u. Good morning world tomorrow its time for me to get back to my life. I am gonna miss everyone so much but mommy will be back soon.

If you are curious about the timeline, Ashley’s baby shower looks to have been held in July and the shooting took place the following month. It is unclear if MTV intends to include Troy’s arrest as part of Bar’s story on the show.

Here is the full description of the fund raising campaign launched on Troy Seales’ behalf:

Troy Seales Teen Mom Young and Pregnant arrested for murder

Protect His Right to Due Process
Please consider donating to help my brother Troy exercise his right to a fair trial!

We are reaching out to friends, family, and kindred spirits who understand the struggle of navigating the judicial system in Oakland, CA.

Troy was born and raised in Oakland, is the eldest of 8, and a Father to two young boys. As most know growing up in Oakland isn’t easy, he grew up in a poor neighborhood, filled with drugs, gangs, and violence. Basic needs like food or a safe environment were not an everyday guarantee. Still, Troy has survived the best he could all while protecting his younger siblings from the harsh realities he’d already been exposed to. He is our hero for protecting us and steering us away from that lifestyle. That being said, it doesn’t excuse my brother from his wrongdoings as a youth. It’s no secret that his background is not squeaky clean. It’s a constant reminder as some decide to use his record to judge him and our family. What’s not known to the public is his honesty in owning up to his actions when he’s made bad choices. He has already served time for the bad decisions he’s made and was paroled due to his good behavior while serving that time. Recently, Troy was working towards making lasting changes in his life one step at a time. Now, he may not have a chance to see those changes make a difference.

He’s been accused of participating in an act of senseless violence and is being held without bail. His arrest has been unsettling for several reasons.

· Troy does NOT fit the witness description reported to the authorities. He is easily identifiable by his multiple tattoos, height and slim physique.

· The prosecuting attorney has contacted our family and has been extremely unprofessional on record, including making remarks that it’s “too bad” Troy can’t afford a private attorney.

· The public defense attorney has maintained a nonchalant attitude and is constantly soliciting our family for advice.

· The public defense attorney and prosecuting attorney know each other personally and may be demonstrating a conflict of interest.

While we’re not entirely sure what powers are at play in this situation we are sure that unjust actions have taken place that will severely limit Troy’s ability to see a fair trial in which we believe his innocence will be proven. WE CAN’T DO THIS WITHOUT YOUR HELP! Troy needs a private lawyer who has his best interest in mind as soon as possible! If you have met Troy, you know that he will give his last to those in need. You know that he will protect someone that can’t protect for themselves, and you know that he will use his voice for those who don’t have one. This time HIS voice is being silenced and he needs our help. Please donate what you can, every penny counts towards saving his life. We thank you for your thoughts and prayers that see us through!

Radar was the first to reveal Troy’s last name in the context of Teen Mom Young & Pregnant.

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