
Teen Mom Amber Portwood strikes a plea deal, gets five year sentence

Amber Portwood mug shot

Troubled Teen Mom star Amber Portwood was in court today stemming from her drug arrest last month after police found numerous prescription pills in her possession that she could not prove were hers. Amber pled guilty to one count of possession of a controlled substance and one count of probation violation and was sentenced to five years in prison.

But, as part of the plea deal, Amber can avoid serving any time behind bars if she completes a court-mandated drug rehabilitation program, which means graduating from the Madison County Drug Court program.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ that there will be a zero tolerance policy and if she screws up in any way “she’ll be tossed in the pokey immediately, no questions asked.”

It’s good news that Amber might have avoided spending even more time behind bars, let’s just hope her stint in rehab this time around has the desired positive (and permanent) effect.

She still has a hearing February 6th to see if the judge accepts the deal.

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