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TEEN MOM 2 PREVIEW Nathan Griffith blasts Jenelle Evans over drug use and weight


Now that the finale of the latest drama-filled season of Teen Mom 2 has aired, fans are eagerly anticipating the reunion show. If the teaser clips provided by MTV are any indication, it should be pretty epic!

Jenelle Evans and Nathan Griffith hold nothing back as they eviscerate each other in front of Dr. Drew. The discussion falls off the rails and insults start flying back and forth ending with Griffith going for the lowest common denominator – a jab at Jenelle’s weight.

Jenelle – I said, “Wait a second, do you have it or do you not?” And then I said, “Do you have your license?” (Nathan voice) “Well yeah, don’t you think I got it back a long time ago?”

Dr. Drew – Do you have your license?

Nathan – No, not right now, I’m in the process.

Jenelle and Nathan continue to argue over what Nathan has to take care of Kaiser and then Dr. Drew interjects asking if Nathan intends on seeking custody. Nathan says he does and Jenelle hits back over Nathan’s lack of a license and says sarcastically, “This is funny.”

Nathan – It is funny. My son is in an unstable environment with two drug addicts. Yeah. Where you see weed in the background, smoking constantly… Now you have these mysterious illness, you’re not capable of taking care of him. You are totally unstable with all these medical (hands quotes) “illnesses,” with all these drug abuse problems, with all these mental accidents…

Jenelle then points out that Nathan’s lawyer had mentioned her sex being painful and Nathan suggests that perhaps Jenelle shouldn’t be talking about her sex life on national television.

Jenelle – I’m sorry it bothers you if I talk about my sex life. Sorry I’m not with you anymore.

Nathan – I don’t want you to be with me. How much pounds have you gained? You’ve gained like 30 or 40 pounds didn’t you?

The Teen Mom 2 Reunion Special airs this Monday at 9/8c.

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