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VIDEO Senator John McCain does the robot onstage with Jamie Foxx

 U.S. Senator John McCain


Above is a photo of 77-year-old Senator John Sidney McCain, Republican, of Arizona. Before today, he was probably best-known for his maverick, madcap run for the 2000 GOP presidential nomination, and for his failed 2008 presidential bid.

After today, that may well change. Below, check out footage of McCain dancing the robot onstage with Jamie Foxx:



And here’s the story behind this particular peculiarity:

McCain was at a fundraiser in the Hamptons. The beneficiary? Harlem’s legendary Apollo Theater, which has been a piece of that neighborhood’s history–as well as African-American history–since it was first opened to blacks in 1934.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie had been breaking it down somewhat. When McCain found himself egged on by Foxx, who MC’d the event, he accepted the invitation to take the stage–and how.

Check out Foxx’s reaction to McCain’s moves:


 McCain Foxx


Among the other celebrities at the Saturday gala: Robert DeNiro, Barbara Streisand, Jack Nicholson, Paul McCartney, and Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters.

But it’s safe to say McCain stole the show.


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