
16 AND PREGNANT Lindsey Nicholson hospitalized for remainder of pregnancy at 26 weeks

16 and Pregnant Lindsey Nicholson hospitalized pregnancy twins

As we reported last month, 16 and Pregnant star Lindsey Harrison Nicholson has been having complications with her current pregnancy, and those complications have now resulted in her being hospitalized until her twins arrive.

Lindsey shared an update on Instagram, along with a photo of her arm with an IV inserted:

Lindsey Nisholson hospitalized pregnant

Baby update: As of this morning I’m now 4cm dilated & 95% effaced with Jackson’s water bag hanging out of my cervix. Ive been admitted into the hospital for the remainder of my pregnancy. Praying this constant bedrest will help keep these two twinnies in for a few more weeks❤️ I hate to ask for prayers on such a day but any and all prayers/positive vibes are very much appreciated as I’m only 26 weeks pregnant.

After her Instagram update, Lindsey took to Twitter (from her hospital bed!) to provide more updates:

if I have my babies soon nicu said I probably won’t be able to actually breastfeed until they are 33 weeks?? thankfully I can pump for them.

After my doc app I called my mom and she got in her car and is driving 19 hours to be with us in Texas. If that’s not love idk what is.

With Jackson’s water bag bulging I’m terrified to even use the bathroom ? they say it’s okay but feel so bad adding any extra pressure.

I just realized I haven’t gained a single pound in 3 weeks. I’ve never ate so much in my life either. How in the world is that possible? ?

Baby update as of now is the are still in my belly. Just praying Jacksons water sac doesn’t rupture as then we have no choice but to deliver

because we do know they are coming early, we don’t want them or I to get any infection by waiting to get them out if it does rupture.

Babies are way to little to handle getting any sort of infection. So main goal is trying to get his sac to go back inside.

Which all we can do for that is stay in bed as much as possible so there is zero pressure pushing the sac out.

As long as both babies stay head down as they are now I’ll be delivering naturally.

Also since I’m having twins there is nothing we can [do] to prevent labor.

Hope I answered everyone’s questions ❤️

Hang in there Lindsey! And stay in there Jackson James and Paisley Lee!

UPDATE – Lindsey added a couple tweets after the post was published. “Wait…. what if you deliver him and her bag doesn’t break will they let her stay in?” a follower asked.” Lindsey responded by writing: “No I wish. That’s how most moms die from child birth. Way too high of a chance of infection that way. She would have to come out right after.”

“That sucks!” the follower replied. “I wasn’t sure how that would even work.”

“Yeah so once he’s out I’ll just start pushing to get her out,” Lindsey explained.

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