PLATHVILLE There’s more to the credit card story: Kim and Ethan had a business venture?

This weekend Moriah Plath posted a statement from The Plath family on Instagram announcing that the Plaths are a united front despite the story that’s being told on TV. She also gave more information about the credit card story Olivia told on the Welcome to Plathville season finale.

Olivia claimed that she she first married Ethan his mother Kim was using a credit card in his name and not paying him back. She even claimed that Kim had locked him completely out of his account so he had no idea what was going on with it. Olivia said she changed the passwords, and that caused the first big fight between her and Kim.

The statement from The Plath Family that was posted on Moriah’s Instagram says that Ethan and his mom had a “business agreement,” and stated that Ethan earned a “good bit of money” from this business. The statement also claims that everyone was aware of all transactions made on the credit card account in question. It’s not outwardly stated, but it implies that this credit card was a business credit card for whatever Ethan and Kim were doing together, which is quite a different picture than what was painted by Olivia on the show.

“We wanted to clear up something that Olivia said during the last episode,” the message said on panel two of the Instagram post. “What Olivia said about our mom using Ethan’s credit card was not the full story. Mom and Ethan had a business agreement in which Ethan earned a good bit of money. And both parties were aware of any transactions that were made. Our mom would have had the opportunity to defend herself and tell her side of the story.”

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