PHOTOS Emma Roberts shops for large panties

Emma Roberts shops for large panties in Beverly Hills

Emma Roberts is a Hollywood star who likes to take her time when shopping for granny panties.  These “revealing” photos of the Scream 4 actress were taken in Beverly Hills yesterday as she patiently looked for just the right pair of large form unflattering underwear.

The thin actress seemed to be checking out drawers that were too big for her badonk so it’s possible she was shopping for a friend.  This is conjecture of course but something about Emma’s frame and the lady breetches’ in the frame of these photos do not match.

Emma Roberts shops for large panties in Beverly Hills

I don’t have much else to add here so enjoy the gallery as Emma Roberts gets her granny panty shop on!

Emma Roberts shops for large panties in Beverly Hills

Emma Roberts shops for large panties in Beverly Hills

Emma Roberts shops for large panties in Beverly Hills

All Photos:

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